
Traxler’s “Blattsalat”: Mörtel-Witwe feuert, new track for Kanzler-Gattin – Günter Traxler Column: Blattsalat

Traxler’s “Blattsalat”: Mörtel-Witwe feuert, new track for Kanzler-Gattin – Günter Traxler Column: Blattsalat

It is not beautiful who goes with women. Lugner City fights against Mörtel Witwe Simone, must “Österreich” Mittwoch reports. Zum Glück is not all the women of such a heartfelt Schicksal affected. A Tag später konnte “Heute” report: Kanzler-Gattin hat new Job. The war is a battle with Katharina Nehammer. Jetzt hat de Ehefrau von Kanzler Karl Nehammer a new Job. Seit Montag is the “Chief Operating Officer” at the Agrarverlag-tätig, with the “Standard” message. The publication takes place in the Besitz of the Raiffeisen-Konzerns, which begins in the years with a non-sterreichische Bauernbund übernommen hat. Of course, this is one of the family that has a safe hat. I want to do that too Chief officer If you work, you better go to Mann.