
Reese Witherspoon writes Thriller with bestselling author – Show-Biz / Boulevard

Reese Witherspoon writes Thriller with bestselling author – Show-Biz / Boulevard

The first Roman of Schauspielerin Reese Witherspoon will be released in 2025 in the USA and Germany. Das teilte der Goldmann Verlag mit Sitz in Munich mit. It is a thriller in the series with bestselling author Harlan Coben (62, “Nichts ruht für immer”). The book is based on an idea of ​​48-year-old Witherspoon, while he has his “expertise and experience” in the beige genre.

“As a Riesen fan of Harlan’s Work, it may be that it is a great hat, a book with my writings. Entweder ich bin der überzeugendsste mens in de world or de idea voor zijn zijn zijn zijn om de beste! Do you see both?», Witherspoon wrote on his Instagram channel in the new way. Coben responds to the Beitrag with: «Los geht’s, Partner.»

In the US, there is no self-titled Thriller in Grand Central Publishing (GCP) publishing. In Deutschland, Goldmann verlegs auch schon bisher die Bücher von Coben. Für Witherspoon is the first Roman, not yet published in the Book: You can read more Kinderbücher und einen Lifestyle-Ratgeber mit personal Anecdoten geschrieben (‘Whisky in a teacup: what I grew up in the South taught me about life, love and baking cookies »).

In the Book Club of Reese’s Book Club, the Oscar winner set the price, in the Mittelpunkt frauen it could be that the prominent Empfehlung zu Bestsellern is imbued.

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