
The Frau des Ex-Fußball-Stars of FC Bayern Munich passed through the Hölle

The Frau des Ex-Fußball-Stars of FC Bayern Munich passed through the Hölle

Schwer sick and brutal überfallen

Ex-Bayern-Star with schonungsloser Offenbarung – so his wife went to win by the Hölle

Jean-Marie Pfaff with Mrs. Carmen Seth

A Herz and a Seele: Jean-Marie Pfaff and the wife of Frau Carmen Seth


If your schlug das Schicksal double zu!

Jean-Marie Pfaff (70) is one of the great supporters of FC Bayern Munich. This is the frühere Weltklasse-Torwart in the Belgian Reality-Star. Seine Familie aus der Show “De Pfaffs” (2002-2011) jeder von Lüttich bis Brügge. Make sure you deal with reality. One of the most important stories in the history of the 70-year history of the english Zeitung “Story”.

First Hirnblutung, then Opfer a Raubüberfalls

In May 2023, the Schicksal will be delivered to your loved ones. In Urlaub on Mallorca, Carmen Seth (68) is an employee who is at the intensive station. A woman living in a Krankenhaus in Belgium cannot easily move beyond a month.

But es kommt noch schlimmer: Nach ersten Woche in vertrauten Zuhause would have been brutally attacked. Was for a horror! “You are on the head, the treppe is comfortable, in a roll in the bathroom and the path is removed”Pfaff paints the furchtbaren Ereignisse.

Lese-Tipp: Kult-Torwart heiratet Moderatorin blessings Herzens

And further: “My wife writes about Hilfe and has a terrible anxiety. Obwohl Carmen zwei Dritteln has found out what her schließlich is, so she can take care of her Toilette.”

Is the image, the schrecklichen innerungen, can a man befreien himself davon?