
Schwangerschaft im Job: So I have that experience.

Schwangerschaft im Job: So I have that experience.

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Schwangerschaft in Job«My Chef has no understanding of the Schwangerschaft»

Leserinnen are convinced that they are aware of the Arbeit von their Schwangerschaft information. Welfare of the Straight Schwangere has and whoever schützen können, erklärt the Unia.

Monika Abdel Meseh
  • The community is there, and whoever is the Arbeitgeber or the Arbeitgeberin of the Schwangerschaft has been there.

  • While a few women were happy to be informed, others kept themselves free for a long time.

  • If Grund is often taught, there is a negative reaction to the Arbeitgeberin or des Arbeitgebers befürchteten.

  • Larissa (26) and B. (28) and Nadine (32) are positive, but also negative.

  • The Unia is convinced that this is not a first attempt to sell the women in pregnancy and to give them tips on the best way to talk.

A Schwangerschaft is one of the most recent insights – but the Verkündung die Neuigkeit am Arbeitsplatz often entails a special Herausforderung. Zwischen Freude und Unsicherheit stehen fouten Frauen vor der Frage, becauste und wie der Schwangerschaft ist die best solution. Three students are happy with their experiences. More information can appear in the Bildgalerie.

Larissa (26) from Uri: «I am happy with my work, but I will come back»

Pexels (Symbol image)

«I have started a first new job in Marketing, as the end of the month has started, there is an unplanted schwanger wurde. There is a war going on that could lead to Schwangerschapsgefreut. Die Freude would jedoch von der Angst gedämpft, dass ich die Nachricht noch meinem Chef beibringen muss. If the problem arises, the examination will take place before my pregnancy can begin.

The chef said it was a glass, but it was noticeable that it was no longer the case. I could then discuss another topic and find more interesting information. It’s nice to have a good look at my Schwangerschaft and be happy, wenn I’m happy. Dad will continue to work at the work place and I will come back. I have turned my attention to the Mutterschaftspause which no longer exists, but I have not yet completed 80 percent of the woolen work.»

B.* (28) from Basel: «I bekam fell Unterstützung»

Pexels (Symbol image)

«I am in the Versicherung-tätig. As a team colleague of the Meiner Schwangerschaft erzählte, it is true that it is so. I tend to find a Fehlgeburt. My chef has kept up to date with the information. Of course it is true that I think about it, but it is true that I can do it this way, but the war is transparent. Your reaction is not very good if something is wrong. If all goes well, this could be a problem.

Anyone doing the work is looking for a conversation and looking at it, it’s one of the things you can do. If you take on the challenge of using your office in the home office, it will happen as quickly as possible. Auch meine Rückkehr im 50-Prozent-Pensum ist arranged. I know, that’s not my wife, so I’m happy with myself.”

Nadine (32) from Solothurn: “My chef’s hat is perfect”

Nadine (32) from Solothurn

Nadine (32) from Solothurn


«I have a good chef and the workers’ colleges who are informed in the four weeks, while my job involves certain risks, before I wollled my baby schützen. There is war in logistics. In the Firm where the plastic is reformed and burnt, it can no longer be Abgase and Rauch. The man standing on the Platz cannot help but be a Beschäftigungsverbot.

My chef has never been impressed by the day he can no longer work normally. I cannot press my right and lie. If the Mutterschaftsurlaub is not worth more than 100 percent or less, then so be it. When I see more of the art, attention is paid to it and how can I look back more and anteilnahme gewünscht.»

* Name of the Editorial Staff

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