
The world does not exist in the art media library

Beim Kultursender arte is the series “Die Welt exists nicht” and the Start. I am a journalist who has a Parisian Tageszeitung, which is in the foreground in a Kriminal decline.

I enjoyed the Series „Die Welt does not exist“Ihre Deutschlandpremiere bei der arte Mediathek. Dann geht der Vierteiler dort online.

Um was in the series “Die Welt existiert nicht”?

Adam Vollmann (Niels Schneider) has been working as a journalist in the web editorial department of a large regional Tageszeitung in Paris for 40 years. Eines Morgens has ended up in the photo of Axel Challe (Thomas Debaene), as head nurse in Mordfall, a gilded woman in Guerches-sur-Isoire and in yet another Wälder geflohen. Adam was a chef, who made a report in the verschlafene northern French city of schicken, while his teenager had an idea for a year and he knew it.

Wasn’t it said: There knows Axel Challe gut. There is war with Freund, the Idol blessing ship Kindheit and his Schwarm. As a tennis club from the French tennis world, the local checkers of Ruhm play before he has done everything for 18 years and has moved into the anonymous version of Paris. Später is with Sarah, who has knowledge and heredity in Paris, after Guerches zurück and führte a rough Leben as Besitzer a Computergeschäfts.

When Lola Montes performed a leblos in the 16th century, the police turned Axel and Lola into a secret couple. Axel is gilded as a main suspect and is on the run…

As soon as Adam was from the Wunsch, he said that Freund Axel had his halves, his Rückkehr nach everything else as leicht voor ihn: Often there is a schlimme Erinnerungen and his Jugendzeit geplagt, in der von Mitschülern gemobbt and körperlich angegriffen wurde. A photo of the female Lola Montes has been found, the mysterious anonymous name is now an address. Davon is having doubts with Lolas Mutter Dolores Montes (Anne Rotger), a rough and distant Frau, who takes care of his daughter in Rätseln…