
Konfusion for Lübecker Derby: the start of the game

Konfusion for Lübecker Derby: the start of the game

The day for the next Derby between Phönix Lübeck and the VfB Lübeck was accompanied by a special presentation. Der Grund: Gästefans im Heimbereich.

The guests are the property of Anpfiff Teile der Haupttribüne.

The guests are the property of Anpfiff Teile der Haupttribüne.

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The duel with Phönix Lübeck and the VfB Lübeck, which is on the Sonntag, was resolved at 2 p.m. If the warming is a responsibility of the host geber, both men are able to cook in the cupboard.

The basis for kicker information was around 400 to 500 guest fans at the Main Tribunal at the Buniamshof Stadium, who were in the Netherlands in their own home – all the more so they were welcome to visit. For the 1,500 seats in the stadium, the guest has the sole Vorverkaufsrecht, all wurden on the Phönix-Geschäftsstelle and the Mann; offenbar hatten auch VfB-Anhänger these occasionheit enjoyed. The background of the Security Thinking is that the lower side of the world is such a Phönix-Verantwortlicher.

45 Minutes Verspätung

Appelle des Stadionsprechers, umzuziehen, verhallten zunächst. A sister block will no longer be used. Vertreter der Vereine und der Polizei act in the wiederholt of Beratungen. After finishing the operation, the batch will start working within 45 minutes. And so it’s ok then.

Who dies Lübecker Nachrichten It is clear that this is one of the reasons that the other institutions have used the Anhängern der Grün-Weißen and the Polizei. Außerdem sollen Phönix-Fans engriffen bein signal. The duel of the two city rivals would be with the tension erwartet, as often as the “small” 1. FC Phönix Lübeck was initially favorite in Derby and received the strongest VfB value.