
Study for long-lasting health benefits for football professionals

Study for long-lasting health benefits for football professionals

NAKO Health Study

Heidelberg (ots)

Who wants to be sure of a healthy lifestyle in a sports competition? Die Frage Möchten NAKO-Forschende on Basis der Gesundheitsdaten von 348 ehemaligen Profi-Fußballerinnen en -fußballern in Deutschland auf den Grund gehen. In the Fachmagazin BMJ Sport and Exercise Medicine, the Wissenschaftlerinnen and Wissenschaftler are an overview of the SoccHealth Study. Erasing the knowledge of the knowledge and ability of the Krankheiten in this special group is intended for the protection of healthy nutrition and the night hours during long-term activities as a sports or sports teacher.

The SoccHealth-Studie is a Zusatzprojekt of NAKO Gesundheitsstudie, Deutschland’s largest Bevölkerungsstudie zur Erforschung von Volkskrankheiten, and supports the long-lasting Gesundheit of Profifußballerinnen and -fußballern in the Fokus. Soul is, fußballspecific Auswirkungen auf ein breites Spectrum of Erkrankungen einschließlich cardiovaskulärer, more metabolic, musculoskeletal and neurological disorders in ehemaligen Profifußballern under the lupe zu nehmen. This football arm of the NAKO has undergone a study by the German Football Association (DFB), the German Football League (DFL), the Verwaltungsberufsgenossenschaft (VBG) and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the knowledge of Professor Dr. Klaus Berger (Universität Münster) anyway Professor Dr. Tim Meyer (University of the Saarlandes). The preliminary training is actively being played in the recruitment and negotiation of 348 professional football players and players. The extracted data is now a Grundlage, a Forschungsfragen zu savory.

I am from 40 to 69 years old by ex-pros of the summer of 2021 and medizinischen Untersuchungen und Befragungen to ihrem Gesundheitsverhalten in de 18 NAKO-Studienzentren teilgenommen. Several Bioprobes were obtained from each participant. 222 Professional Fußballerinnen and -Fußballer are together a Ganzkörper-MRT-Untersuchung. Fußball-related information about the playing time of the absolute game, the playing position at the playing level is one of the rules of the bean cultivation in the ordinary sports career. Since Herbst 2023 since the Untersuchungen der 52 Frauen und 296 Manner abgeschlossen. “The data from the SoccHealth Study is malicious in its extension and details. During the introduction of the NAKO health study, former Spitzensport athletes and athletes can be brought into contact with the general population with a larger data base. It is very important that the quality and the effectiveness of quality increases. Henry Völzke, Vorstandsvorsitzender of NAKO eV

The duration of salt in the men’s game is 54.5 years and in the women’s game it is 46.9 years. The best playing position for the men Ex-professionals are the representatives of the midfield players, who are with the Frauen. Both players have spent 32 years training and playing in amateur and professional football. Men have continued their professional careers over the course of 33 years, while women have been at it for 34 years.

“The relationship between the two men and their careers is the same as the health care system and the Swiss man and the women of the study. Moreover, the relationship between the two men and the children is not good. how weibliche ex-professionals in the middle of a higher age of the Spielzeiten in the first Bundesliga, aber a small Anzahl in the second Bundesliga, was high-ranked at the insignificant time of the Ligene-inführung zurückzuführen”, analyzed Prof. Dr. Tim Meyer, Lehrstuhlinhaber f. ür Sports and prevention meditation at the University of the Saarlandes and long-term Mannschaftsarzt of the male national teams.

The analysis of bio- and Bildgebungsmarkers was brought to the self-determined information about other zum weight distribution or lifestyle factors that contain the analyzes of the analyzes that influence the preventive measures.

“Various research has been done for years with the football professionals. These studies are perhaps the best way to exercise and play during the football game. The medical world and the exchange of the inner atmosphere of the Socc Health study is no longer useful for humans Forschung and became Fragen zur Entstehung, Häufigkeit and Ursachen of a large spectrum and Volkskrankheiten who Answered Herzinfarkt, Bluthochdruck, Schlaganfall oder Zucker- and Fettstoffwechselstörungen at Fußballprofis,” says Prof. Dr. Klaus Berger, Wissenschaftler der Universität Münster.

“The VBG verichert de bezahlten Sport. Wer unterstützen Studien, die de Verringern von Unfallfolgen oder das Vermeiden von Unfällen zum Ziel haben. Kopfverletzungen und other fußballbedingte Einwirkungen können schwere Auswirkungen haben, that we are more interested in the Ergebnissen dieser Studie”, said Nor Bert Moser, Präventionsfeldoordinator Sport der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung VBG.

Original publication

Berger K, Baurecht H, Stein M, et al. SoccHealth: a health status survey of former professional football players within the German National Cohort. BMJ Open Sports and Exercise Medicine 2024;10:e002228. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2024-002228

NAKO Health Study

The NAKO Health Study is the largest long-term population study in Germany. In 18 studies, more than 200,000 people were helped in 2014 through research and their enjoyment of life. Zum Start der Studie was die Teilnehmenden im Alter von 20 – 69 Jahren.

The NAKO Health Study is a prospective epidemiological cohort study. The Forschenden are a large group, one of the most popular, sick or even sick people over a long period of time. Soul is the same, due to the knowledge of the data of the people, happiness and the health of people with healthy lifestyles, diabetes here Bugung and Früherkennung Aufzuzeigen.

The Forschungsproject is carried out in 26 steps. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler von Universitäten, der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft and other Research Institutes in Deutschland can work together in a bundesweiten Netzwerk. The study was carried out by Verein NAKO eV durchgeführt. Financing can be provided through the Federal Ministers of Education and Research (BMBF), the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft and the relevant federal states.

Pressure contact:

NAKO Health Study
Dr. Friederike Fellenberg
+49 6221 – 426 2062
[email protected]

Original content from: NAKO Gesundheitsstudie, übermittelt durch news current