
The C919 serves as China’s Gegenstück zum A320. Schauen wir mal in das Innenraum-Erlebnis hinein.

The C919 serves as China’s Gegenstück zum A320. Schauen wir mal in das Innenraum-Erlebnis hinein.

The C919 serves as a Chinese pendant for the A320. Let us eintauchen in the Flugerlebnisse.

In the laurel period of the Fluggesellschaften there are more than 60 flights in the Hauptstadt and the Finanzzentrum of the Landes, both in the direction of the flight and in the larger flight with the Boeing 747 or the modern Airbus A350.

Air China has quickly sold a flight of 1,000 Flugzeugs, with a Flug and a young Donnerstagmorgen a Schmalrumpfflugzeug. But dies in the war without gewöhnliches Schmalrumpfflugzeug; It’s a war with the first flight and time of Air China’s C919 Jet.

The C919 ist This was the first long-haul passenger aircraft that was domestically repaired in Chinaproducer of the state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) with Sitz in Shanghai. After the year of the flight and the full implementation of Jet’s flight in May 2023, there will first be commercial flights with the Chinese Fluggesellschaft China Eastern Airlines.

Long a game-changer in the global commercial air force, the C919 puts COMAC’s Antwort ahead of the Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320, which are two of the most reliable aircraft types.

Trotz der Vergabe von more than 1,000 Aufträgen steht der C919 weiterhin in der Kritik von Skeptikern, de Denken roads signaler “chinesischen Herkunft” (with separate components of engines and flugsteuerungs systems in the USA and Europe) and the market research from the perspective of Airbus-Boeing – Have duopoles.

If the Flugenthusiast could not with these controls from more aufregung abhalten, a new Flugzeugtype to experience and this relatively small passenger heritage to become, these new C919s in the air within the Chinese Festlands gibt, was currently the only authorized flight zone.

I had a stun during the flight at Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) and on the C919 it was only a few minutes later. If you use the Ferne cable, it is light with an A320 connection, a twisting wire and a curved tragfläche (in the shape of a B737). Schärfere Augen würden jedoch the unique Cockpitfenster and Flügelspitzen of the C919 brands.

Beim Einsteigen in een Monat alten C919 wurde ich sofort von seiner Vertrautheit affected; It feels like you’re an A320, complete with a hint of that new airplane smell. Air China has opted for the most spacious configuration of the three state-owned airlines operating C919s, with 158 seats (with a potential capacity of 192), arranged as eight first class seats and 150 in economy.

In today’s economy class, any extra legroom is a welcome bonus. I had booked an emergency exit seat and was pleased to find that both exit rows (19 and 20) offered generous legroom, even compared to domestic first class. As a 180cm (5’11”) person, I had plenty of room to stretch out, with my feet barely touching the seat in front of me.

As for the interior, there were individual air nozzles for customized climate control, and economy passengers seated outside the exit rows each had a folding device holder (for smartphones and tablets) above their tray tables.

The seats themselves – in the standard 3×3 layout – were on the narrow side and popular with airlines thanks to their ability to accommodate more rows in the main cabin. However, the comfort of the flight was enhanced by the complimentary pillows – I placed one behind me for extra cushioning. Under each seat, every three passengers shared two power outlets with both USB-A and USB-C plugs.

For a jetliner with a maximum range of 5,555 kilometers (about 3,500 miles), Air China’s C919 appears to rely heavily on passengers for in-flight entertainment. While each seatback offered space for literature (complete with actual on-board magazines) and cubbies for personal belongings, there were no individual screens or Wi-Fi available (the fold-out screens showed universally unappealing programming), leaving the device cradle to fill that void.

The flight attendant proudly announced the aircraft type during the pre-takeoff briefing: “Today you will be flying the Air China C919 aircraft, the first large aircraft independently developed by China,” as the plane taxied to the runway.

Air China serves hot meals in economy during meal hours for all flights, including short-haul flights (duration of this flight: 1 hour and 40 minutes). Bottled water was supplied in each seat pocket before boarding, and my omelette – paired with yoghurt and a chocolate bar – tasted satisfying.

After exploring one of the two economy toilets at the rear of the cabin, I found it to be bright, well-maintained and less cramped than some of the newer variants on the A320 or B737.

As the towering skyscrapers of Shanghai appeared through the clouds, our plane began its descent towards Hongqiao International Airport (SHA).

As a passenger sitting next to the engine in the window seat, I remembered the two main criticisms of the C919 that I had read online: engine noise and limited trunk space. Although everyone has different tolerance levels, I found the engine noise to be similar to that of typical Boeing or Airbus narrowbody aircraft flights. The other complaint related to the limited space in the luggage compartment – ​​despite the C919 not being a clear winner in this category, every passenger on this fully booked flight was able to carry their wheeled hand luggage without any problems.

After a seamless landing in Shanghai, about 40 minutes early, there was no popping or screeching (which is not common on Chinese planes anyway). As I disembarked, I noticed a handful of additional passengers – presumably informed by the in-flight announcement about the Chinese-made C919 – taking photos of the plane.

Meisternd eeninige smaller Hindernisse, erwies sich die Reise as erstaunlich ereignislos. The rules for flying other types, noting wahrscheinlich were not covered by the C919-Fahrt and previous Flights with the suspected A320 or B737. With your personal opinion, the C919-Flug deserves a positive Note B in terms of safety and comfort.

You can pass a flight through the flight types – that is the moment when a flying Grund dafür (which in recent years offers more options with Boeing-Flugzeugen dangers).

The C919 company is one of the separated companies for COMAC, Chinese industrial modernization and the suspension of Western technology has become more likely. While most analysts have set the most advanced festivities, COMAC is putting the C919 capabilities in South Africa and others to the market to give itself a stance – which brings about the development of US-American and European regulations.

If the Passenger makes a “won” flight with the C919, COMAC can purchase the Strahlflugzeug from a Schauflugzeug to Chinese Chinese and international airlines.

After visiting a conference in Beijing, the country is back on track and a domestic flight with the C919 in Shanghai to Buchen.

While the C919 entered into battle with new wars, the first inland redistribution of the Langstrecken-Passagierflugzeug to an inland of the Chinese Festlands in the travel zone was currently one of the most popular Flugzones.

A budget-friendly Essens option on the Flugzeug C919.
Erwartung des Einstiegs in das C919-Flugzeug.

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