
Communities – First workers for sanitation in Lauenburg started – Panorama

Communities – First workers for sanitation in Lauenburg started – Panorama

Lauenburg (dpa/lno) – The Sanierung des in Rutschen geratenen Butterberges an der Bundesstraße 209 in Lauenburg has begun. The era became the Baustelle eingerichtet, such as the Leiter des Lauenburger Stadtplanungsamtes, Christian Asboe. In de kommenden sich einem bei sich immportant, einem rutschenden Hang stabilizing.

Nach Angaben der Stadt sollen die Arbeiten bis Dezember dauern. When you read the B209 in the Baustelle version, it will be displayed on the city’s internet site.

Heavy rainfall

The Butterberg War in February caused heavy rainfall on a length of 50 meters. Either way, the Hafenstraße, where the B209 passes here, is half closed. The product is used in a different way for cars and load wagons. So if the traffic from Lower Saxony is not possible for the Altstadt, it is on the website of the Stadt Lauenburg.

The costs for the remediation are sold at the stand and amount to 1.2 million euros. Davon übernimmt der Bund 70 Prozent.

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