
Wirtschaft & Finanzen – Lufthansa-Flugzeugmangel, Boeing-Kapitalerhöhung, KLM-Sparprogramm

Wirtschaft & Finanzen – Lufthansa-Flugzeugmangel, Boeing-Kapitalerhöhung, KLM-Sparprogramm

Liebe Leserinnen and Leser,

In the Luftverkehrsbranche these weeks we go beyond the themes of economics and finance in Fokus. The best repairs are carried out with the help of their plants. Larger construction sites with a view of the most important installations. Since our top themes of the week:

  • Warum Lufthansa dies due to new long-term flights too zu stehen kommen
  • Who Boeing could build a billion-dollar capital-sized factory and which Auswirkungen das haben
  • Welche Maßnahmen KLM experience, because of my business experience

This is a new strategic direction at Emirates, Qatar Airways’ subsidiary of Virgin Australia, which is the long-standing partner organization of Swiss and Helvetic Airways.

Bowls Sie gut durch die Woche!

Herzliche Grüße,

Lufthansa fehlen Dutzende new long-haul aircraft

Lufthansa has very large costs. A tax factor is a new flugzeuge. It is important that Carsten Spohr performed a mediocre intervention of the Unternehmens.

Derzeit fehlten de Angaben after 41 new machines from Boeing. “Nor more agile, that’s why we don’t want to fly anymore.”

Statistics that new Boeing 777 or 787 may leave will fly longer with the four powerful Airbus A340 or Boeing 747. Both should last a long time.

These words are more educational and may be worth flying with the years when the government statistics are not attractive. “Fleeing with this Flugzeuge zurzeit, was of course high costs by Wartung, but also by Schulungen bedeutet”, erklärte Spohr.

With eight A380 Jumbos, they incur higher costs for the long flight, while Lufthansa remains in Betrieb.

Such a situation would no longer be possible so quickly. If an internal representative of the Lufthansa chief was waiting for a “Handelsblatt” policy, it was likely that the new Boeing 777 Mittlerweile for the first time at the end of 2026 – the first factory was for 2021.

The Grund voor de erneute Verzögerung at the 777X is one of the most commonly used aircraft, the Boeing and the Verbindung swiss Triebwerk und Flügeln-deck. If a planning inspection takes place, it is a matter of “not who will ensure that it is carried out”, teilte der Flugzeugbauer met. If this Grund interrupts the test break.

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New Aktien: Boeing has billions of capital savings

Boeing thinks in the signal Dauerrise laut Insidern über a Kapitalerhöhung in zweistelliger Milliardenhöhe nach.

The US-Flugzeugbauer has announced the new American action in the spirit of the Milliarden US-Dollar (in short a Milliarden Euro), reported the Nachrichtenagent Bloomberg with a service and a message about its betrayed persons.

The fresh money from the trade is filling the coffers of the repairers, that information about the development of flight with flugver boats and production limits ensures that the young blocks are described in zigzag fashion while weiter learns.

A Boeing-Sprecher lehnte a Stellungnahme ab. The inside of the door is one of the most important things that Boeing has with a serious Kapitalerhöhung power. So management first had to pay the costs of the other efforts before entering the capital market. The Boeing action has lost more than 40 percent.

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KLM can offer a comprehensive Spar program

KLM has put together an extensive savings program. The airline was faced with costs and investments, winning the jetty, this is on Donners Day.

If most people look at the company structure of flügen and the Streichung a nicht generated Zahl from Büroarbeitsplätzen, with great pleasure during the production of scaffolding.

Active actions that are not directly carried out by the Flugbetrieb are only possible, sold or planned. The Niederländische Tochtergesellschaft of Air-France/KLM can invest in a new Hauptverwaltung in new technology and war-based thinking and change.”

“Which other Fluggesellschaften run KLM under high costs and a personal wringer and Ausrüstung,” said Marjan Rintel in one of the previous years.

KLM will go from 5.4 Prozent in the year 2023 to the eighth Prozent in the year 2028. The bets will probably yield a value of 450 million euros.

Neben de Einsparungen, the airline will die with a thought of 100 million euros per year, reimbursement of new products and board-einführt, with zum Beispiel an erweitertes Catering-Angebot. Ensure that the installation of the seating classes in the airflow is optimized.

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Other themes

  • After the Lufthansa Group benefited from the profit warning for the most recent summer quarter with the Guten Zahlen. But the Head of Spohr provides a “Zweiteilung” in the Group: Lufthansa itself is still changing. Read more

  • The Lufthansa Group has survived the Gebuhren voor Sitzplatz reservations. A Sitzplatz in Economy Class can cost up to 115 Euro. Only in June 2023, the Kranich had passed away a while ago. Read more

  • Quality problems, production and production requirements: Boeing is more in the Lage, than the Zulieferer zu unterstützen. Asking a question in the Kurzarbeit – diversification from or to Europe. Read more

  • Emirates held a Strategy Conference in Dubai. Strategic analyzes and smart solutions are possible under the motto “Next Era – Equip, Embrace, Excel”. Hand in Hand with the Wachstumsplänen of the Gulf Emirates. Read more

  • Qatar Airways has a 25 percent partnership with Virgin Australia. The life of the Australian flag law with Australian flag bearer Qantas is aimed at hindering one of the felines on the market. Read more

  • Swiss und Helvetic Airways has a partnership with Verlängert. I have a Wet-Lease agreement with Helvetic Airways at 15 Embraer-Flugzeuge on de beste Strecken voor Swiss Bettingen. Read more

  • The escalation of the Kriegshandlungen in the Nahen-East places the power in the Ukraine-Krieg and the conflict in the Gaza-Streifen responsible air transport sector for sister-order defenses. This is the Börsen sight bar. Read more

  • Toyota Motor has invested in Joby Aviation for an amount of 500 million dollars. The money comes from the US-Flugtaxi start-up, which undertakes the Zertifizierung of its existence and production. Read more

  • The Bieterprozess for Pakistan’s national Fluggesellschaft has been delayed by a month. There are many ministers in favor of privatization. This is what Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) did to reach the Hammer in October. Read more

And zum Schluss…

Wed Eco drin ist (first mal) nicht Eco drin: The Wasserstoff-Airline start-up Ecojet Airlines from Great Britain will launch the Flugbetrieb in 2025. But that is also possible with reusable flue gases from water supplies. Der Name hält nicht das, was verspricht – erstmal. In 2026, the airline will stop its öcological complaints. The names of the airlines with washer dust triebwerken for the configuration. Doesn’t it sound so great to anyone else, or? Apropos: Who is your own Eco “jet”, but still Turboprop-Flugzeuge zum Einsatz kommen? Aber lassen wir das… Read more