
10 Euro per month for Aktien

10 Euro per month for Aktien

Damit children who know the future of the business market, will learn the economics of the economy and create a new political environment.

10 Euro per Child and your money: The Rat of Fun “Wirtschaftsweisen”, the Federal Government in ökonomischen Fragen berät, speaks for the Einführung a new state lich finanzierten “Kinderstartgeldes” aus. There is talk of low-risk Aktienfonds being invested. With the 18. Geburtstag, so the idea, the youth will then get their share and more money.

If these kids are young enough to learn, which is a capital investment, it could potentially create long-term business profits. Bekommen sollen das monatliche Kinderstartgeld for all children and young people at the sechsten Lebensjahr.

The State, i.e. the Sachverständigenrat, will start the programs at a cost of 91 million euros per year. Long-term – with a desire to have children, which makes a profit – the costs amounted to 1.5 billion euros in one year.

The children’s starting money is a “story on the capital market that anchors in the future and lasts a long time with the expansion of history and the renditechancen for breite Bevölkerungsschichten ermöglichen”, argue the “Wirtschaftsweisen” in one of the mounted veröffentlicht Kurzgutachten. In the years that they offer children and their children “financial loans and provide some of the opportunities, more profit is made”.

“Invisible core elements” are a diversification fund with a high degree of activation. It is possible that the horizontal horizon is a “solid representation with a low degree of risk”. You can also outsource a fund for your child or your child after the best possible criticism. Treffen Eltern cannot be an active entity, so the government bonds are put into a hundreds of thousands of Aktienfonds.

The Ökonomin Ulrike Malmendier said: “The bisherigen Finanzbildungprogramma is no longer in Deutschland, weniger zur Stärkung der Finanzkompetenz in der Bevölkerung beigetragen as erhofft.” Otherwise if our parents have the soul of the old children’s starting money, the financing is financed by education from the history of the enterprise – and not by theoretical science. Where children enter the children’s programme, the children’s seed money can end up in Eltern’s financial company, so that the capital can be used for fewer children.

The “Wirtschaftsweisen” pays for the Children’s Start Money and the Bezug von Children’s Money on the knüpfen. A smaller monatlicher Beitrag genüge, concrete ten sie – das Programm solle “nicht in erster Linie dem Powersaufbau serve”. If all goes well, children can rely on the display, a breit gestreute Geldanlage on the Aktienmarkt that brings money.

Anyone who has received a monetary amount of 10 euros over an investment horizon from 18 to 18 years can make the following calculation: We have a starting capital with a savings plan with a favorable Passivfonds (ETF) that is worth the money (and therefore at risk) Aktienindex MSCI World has suffered a loss of an annual profit of 6.3 years after a year of an average of 2,119 Euro. The savings from the purchase price of 1,440 Euro also results in a smaller gain of 679 Euro. Money – factual for Nichtstun.

It is insulting to fight politics and change. The view of the old gilded houses is no longer tenable, the Federal Government is dying fast.