
‘I saw red’: Reckless truck driver nearly collides with family’s car, pushing it off highway, bystander follows driver home and reports him – FAIL Blog

‘I saw red’: Reckless truck driver nearly collides with family’s car, pushing it off highway, bystander follows driver home and reports him – FAIL Blog

Unfortunately, we have all encountered an extremely reckless driver. While there are many things wrong with such people, the worst part is that they never seem to understand that when they refuse to pay attention to the road around them, they endanger not only themselves, but everyone around them. If you don’t care about your own safety then that is your responsibility, but if you involve other people you have a responsibility that you simply cannot ignore.

When I’m on the road, I become enraged when I encounter reckless drivers. That’s why I enjoyed reading the little revenge story on Reddit where a driver got revenge on an entitled trucker who almost caused a family car to break down. crash, which almost caused OP (original poster) to crash himself. After regaining control of their car, OP decided to follow the truck driver and obtain their information, which led to them filing a police report.

Keep scrolling to read the full story. When you’re done, click here for a story of an Airbnb host and his unreasonable demands.