
Aussichtsreicher Nasrallah-Nachfolger vermutlich tot Von dpa-AFX

Aussichtsreicher Nasrallah-Nachfolger vermutlich tot Von dpa-AFX

BEIRUT (dpa-AFX) – The most targeted candidate for the successor of Hisbollah General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah, Haschim Safi al-Din, has gone to the Israeli foreign ministers. “The Hisbollah is a headless organization – Nasrallah has created a new organization and his Nachfolger is an organization outside the organization,” said Joav Galant after his office in Angaben. The minister did not mention Safi al-Din, the chief of the Hisbollah Exekutivrats.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an official video statement, Israel has “Tausende Terroristen ausgeschaltet, darunter Nasrallah selbst und Nasrallahs Nachfolger und de Nachfolger seines Nachfolgers.” This is not the name of Safi al-Dins.

There is no one who wants more freedom, the separation between the foreign ministers continues galantly. Auch de Angriffsfähigkeiten der Hisbollah had schwere Rückschläge erlitten. If the Rauch in Lebanon is light, it was recognized by Iran that its great capital has been lost, so Galant with Blick on the proiranic Military area.

Al-Dschasira’s follower has received a message, the Hisbollah has lost the contact with Safi al-Din. The Hisbollah cleared the message as failed.

The high war reports of Hisbollah-Anführer saw a massive Israeli bombing campaign in the Lebanese capital Beirut in the Verdingenwoche. There is a cousin of the Nasrallahs and a good deal with Iran. Nasrallah war could become a big Israeli Luftangriff from Beirut.