
Austrian standards feierte 40. Standortjubiläum in Wien

Austrian standards feierte 40. Standortjubiläum in Wien

Jubiläum pünktlich zum Start in the new era

Since 1984, the address has been Heinestraße 38 (1020 Wien), the most flourishing Nordbahnviertel, in Ganz Österreich, as the Drehscheibe for all fragments carrying out a national, European and international standardization. Der Vierziger am Standort Heinestraße kommt für Austrian Standards CEO Valerie Höllinger zum perfect Zeitpunkt, denn der gemeinsame Blick in de Reckspiegel schärft de Focus für die Herausforderungen einer Zukunft, die ganz else aussieht as noch in Jahr 1984:

‘We will discover a new era. Starting new industries and entire sectors, implementing active standards in still young areas with knowledge of art or the circular economy. The pace is also fast and could not last longer. If you have a higher turnover and higher income, the von der Zivilgesellschaft is one of the Wirtschaften that will take place in our lifetime. We have a transformation within itself and a good environment.”

Das House of Standards & Innovation is therefore in the 40 years since its party Konstante, its Kompetenzzentrum for Österreich. In seinen Ausführungen concrete Section chief Georg Konetzky as Vertreter des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Wirtschaft (BMAW) who has taken over the role of the House of Standards & Innovation in the Heinestraße and the Bedeutung der Standardisatie for Österreichs and Europas Wirtschaft:

“Standards are a vital part of basic business activities. For Austrian customers, the new Rahmenbedingungen and Stabilität, an innovation rebranded and both national and international markets are here to stay.”

1984: Startschuss een Erfolgsgeschichte

Not for the first Marathon in Vienna in the 1984 Start Schuss. The own headquarters of the “Österreichische Normungsinstituts” (ON) in its own country started a new Ägide in the Austrian Standards, which focused on the global networking of standardization. This was very positively presented by the long-term director Gerhard Hartmann, the initiator and builder of the new war, who all helped to develop a top-modern Meeting Center. The Austrian standards war and the European and international world of standardization are one. In Vienna, the Vienna Agreement with CEN and ISO is in force for international cooperation in the normative world. Ständige Erneuerung auch der eigen Organization has its own establishment; eben Transformation im eigenen Haus, een gesellschaftlichen and ökonomischen Wandelbestmöglich zu begleiten and the Kundenservice morezuentwickeln. Diesem Prinzip is the enthusiastic CEO Valerie Höllinger and his team has run 140 leading figures.

Ehrung for three merits Wegbegleiter:innen

Austrian standards as the Austrian Institute for Standardization and Innovation have been a more powerful engine and stabilizer for a secretive development in global law for 104 years. Three times which guide: collect, naming Annemarie Mille (WKÖ), Peter Reichel (OVE) and Mercedes Ritschl (IV)information about the aspects of this commitment regarding the development of standardization in Austria and beyond the border hints:

“Annemarie Mille, Mercedes Ritschl and Peter Reichel often started investing in non-zeit and know-how years ago, but they fell into standardization. Since then – so we will be happy about it, because standards in our society are not relevant today and our safety standards are good, but we are also happy with our Wertschöpfung in Austria as well as in Europe and the international market.”Freut sich Präsident Austrian Standards International Anton Ofner with the Preisträger:innen.


Annemarie Mille
Referentin, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Abteilung für Rechtspolitik / Mitglied des Normungsbeirats / Vorsitzende der Schlichtungsstelle von Austrian Standards

As a referent in the legal police of the Austrian Wirtschaftskammer, Annemarie Mille can play a role in the shape and legitimate legal position in the country. It is the previous of the Schlichtungsstelle Gemäß Normengesetz 2016, a responsible Rolle, in the Annemarie Mille and his team an active role in Konfliktlösungen in Normungswesen-leisten. When doing this in the normative environment, it is important that you discuss the standard of the standard. If you contact House of Standards & Innovation and your regulatory information and veranstaltungen, what is your connection to the Austrian standards.

“Standards are no longer Orientation Spfeiler, but they are all Türöffner for the Wirtschaft. You can rely on the production of new products and services, which you can use in the new market. Fair praxis orientation Norms kan beitraglich zum Unternehmenserfolg. “Ein actives Mitgestalten von Normen heißt für mich, the Grundstein zu legen for innovations, zkunftsweisendes Wirtschaften“, Annemarie Mille is extremely happy.

Peter Reichel
General Secretary of the Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering (OVE) since 2004

With a Studium der Physik at the TU Wien, there is no longer a General Secretary of the OVE and its own power, but also a General Secretary of the Österreichischer Ingenieure and the Gesellschaft for Mess-, Automatisierungs- and Robotertechnik. In all positions, the standards for technical innovations, safety and fortification have been recognized and strengthened. A diplomatic business and a well-oriented course of action have raised the OVE and Austrian standards and worked at a higher level.

“Standards are the basis for a progressive approach to a digital and sustainable society. Diese Entwicklung mitzugestalten und de Austrian positions in international standards, is een interesting en lohnende aufgabe“like Peter Reichel.

Mercedes Ritschl
Geschäftsführerin des Rechtspolitischen Ausschusses der Industriellenvereinigung (IV) / Mitglied des Präsidialrats, Austrian standards

Mercedes Ritschl is an expert in public economic law, especially in the German Data Protection, Legal and Adjudication Criminal Law and since he is a Geschäftsführerin des Rechtspolitische Ausschusses der Industriellenvereinigung (IV). With an unacceptable Arbeit and a large degree of resistance for the lawful economic stipulation of the economy, it has a good role in the standard standardization of the economy. Seit 2015 is one of the most important results of the Austrian standards. Ihr Engagement für Normungsfragen is better than the flowering of the Mitgliedschaft – it is a Brückenbauer in the Bedürfnissen der Wirtschaft and the Anforderungen der Normung.

“Herzlichen Dank an Austrian Standards für die Ehre der Auszeichnung und für die hervorragende Zusammenarbeit. Norms are for my unnoticed Gerüst, and they can get a disinterested orientation. Active here, the power is not Freude, it is one of our most important positions, denn: Wer heute das Sagen in der Normung hat, hat morgen das Sagen am Markt“, übernimmt Mercedes Ritschl die Ehrung mit danden Worten.

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Photo credit © APA/Fotograf Krisztian Juhasz

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Mirjana Verena Mully
Head of Communications
+43 676 897124301

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Uber Austrian standards

Austrian Standards is the Austrian organization for standardization and innovation and an international network in 167 federal states. We are looking forward to finding solutions to future needs, more innovations to understand and the legal and export capabilities of the Eastern Region and European economics. Entwickelt zijn Standards von Fachleuten aus der Praxis in europäischer & internationaler Kooperation. All in Österreich die more than 4,700 experts and experts from 2,800 unterschiedlichen Organisationen, Disziplinen und Branchen (Wirtschaft, Forschung, Verwaltung und NGOs). Austrian standards network these experts and experts and offer the opportunity to support international standardization organizations with ISO, CEN and ETSI in a weltweiten network. The digital version of the Austrian Standards allows you to view standards from around the world. Fachbücher, Kongresse und Seminare help the practical application; Make sure you adhere to the best standards. Austrian standards have 130 employees and employees who are equally qualified, with the right to support internal customer support.