
Deutsche Wirtschaft: Was Deutschlands Wirtschaft jetzt braucht

Deutsche Wirtschaft: Was Deutschlands Wirtschaft jetzt braucht

Robert Habeck (Grüne) started with this, was a new view “selbstverständlich” ist: Deutschland sei a Land “fuller Stärke”, has “an innovative Mittelstand” and “exzellente Fachkräfte”, said the Economic Minister at the Vorstellung der Herbstprojektion am Mittwoch. Now it was then followed, since Wirtschaftsdaten, both men themselves are unreliable fragments, who long diese Selbstverständlichkeit nor gilded.

A plus for the Wirtschaft has arisen which has become a minus. Habecks experts at the ministry have been given power, the Wirtschaftsleistung in those years is worth 0.2 percent and nothing is worth less than 0.3 percent. Schon im pergangen Year war das Grossinlandsprodukt (BIP) um 0.3 Prozent sunk. “Die Lage is not installed,” says Habeck. As you go out, you will encounter a small plus over time. The Minister of Finance was all positive: “It is a real fortune for inflation and cash flow.”

An Überblick was the German Wirtschaft that went further than ever – and its help could be provided:

Der Staat invests in this process

Marode Brücken, Wohnungsmangel in Großstädten, verspätete Züge: Es ruckelt an vader Stellen in Deutschland. Gemessen en der Wirtschaftsleistung can make a country so good that the infrastructure in Germany works well, and that can take a few years. Unternehmenschefs who the economy is, is a bit: The state must invest more – in the city, in the image, in the future and in the climate-friendly transformation of the economy.

Tatsächlich wird der Bund in diesem Years, so the money disappeared if it was not so. 70.5 billion euros is an investment in a single plant. Gut four milliards are etwa in the residential construction, eight milliards in the construction of Autobahnen and Bundesstraßen. Ein Rekord too. Nur: More hilft more – so einfach ist es bei Staatsausgaben nicht. It’s due to inflation: from 2019, construction costs have risen to around 40 percent – the money also ran out, a lot of money and a house.

Because the economy is indisputable, it is not at all the case that it has become a würde, if you want to have more state money than a würde. Michael Grömling of the Arbeitgebernahen Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) in Cologne is skeptical. State investments could mean that a structure is permanently removed, after “konjunkturell would have achieved the first time that the conversion would be a fact”. Removing the Straßenbau on the Beispiel must first be a problem, then it is personal and other sources. “Once you have made a plan, the first Bagger rolls best in two years.”

Sebastian Dullien, Research Director of the Gewerkschaftsnahen Instituts für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung (IMK) of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung sees the following differently: “You have more investment in your life”, your Milliarde Euro, which has been created, is an Impulse – especially in the Construction industry, the installations do not last longer. “That would be a great success in a higher gross domestic product.”

Officially, the state guarantee is insured in the Netherlands, in Germany Recession so hollow. If you want this, it may be that investment in business has fallen. If you don’t get compensation, the state applies. The barometer of the ifo institutions for investments in the market is minus 0.1 points, but plus 1.2 points in November.

There are still more state investments that make financing possible. And again by higher Steuern or by more Debts. The path of debt blocks the debt burden – and with the FDP in control, an Abkehr-davon is no longer possible. Anyway, Steuern will probably say that it is first right on Wahljahr 2025. Fraglich, wie lange der Staat met de Einnahmen noch auskommen wird. When one of the Rezession nimmt der Staat nor weniger Steuern ein is: Een Prozent weniger Wirtschaftsleistung führt, grob gesagt, zu gut zehn Milliarden Euro weniger Steueraufkommen. Happiness in the house will also increase, and it is vulnerable, because active planning becomes a nuisance at all. The Steuerschätzung Anfang November jedenfalls dürfte für the Ampelregierung wohl bring few Erfreuliches.

Verbraucher save lieber

The inflation rate is high, inflation is steady. “That’s what man can think about, that’s more information,” says Patrick Höppner of the Ifo Institute. But the Verbraucherinnen and Verbraucher in Deutschland tell themselves differently: They are very different from real money, but they are still alive. The Gesellschaft’s forecast for the Konsumforschung (GfK) for October fell into disarray and was given shape, after a war that was so grim.

In September, inflation rose to 1.6 percent of inflation. All this can result in sinking energy prices. Rechnet man dies because of the economy and energy sector, because man experiences core inflation, dies in September with 2.7 percent of shares. For all people, most people who provide services are worth more at a rate of 3.8 percent. A man can no longer speak of pre-stabilization, but he still cannot take the costs into account.

The Gründe, where the Verbraucher ihr Geld summarize, lie Höppner zufolge ohnehin vor allem in een allegemeinen Verunsicherung. Those who are interested in their lives receive reports about the bad financial situation, insolvencies, personal accounts or work problems at large businesses. The Sparquote der Deutschen, which gave one of the heights of the World, has only increased by 0.5 percent to 11.3 percent in half year 2024. “A malicious inflation could lead to a higher side,” says Höppner.

One of the purchases of the consumer products is the institute that could no longer use this year – and it would be a guideline for all matters in electronic commerce. “The sole trader sees the possibilities for higher performance. And the knowledge becomes more relaxed as it grows,” says Höppner. Then it could be that large quantities are less delivered and plan now, your orders and merchandise are on the market.

If you are concerned with the private house in Germany and your financial situation in the next month, it was a more positive thing. The einkommenserwartung is the price for the sale of products after a strong einbruch in August in September, no matter how slightly increased, no matter how the tendency, new products are offered.

Competing China is becoming increasingly sharp

The German industry is strongly oriented towards the world market, Beispiel Automobilsector: De Auslandsumsatz power dort with beef 190 Billiarden Euro im ersten Halbjahr beef 70 Prozent des Gesamtumsatzes aus. Gilded gold for mechanical engineering and chemistry. “In German industry, the export ratio is so high, between 60 and 70 percent,” says Michael Grömling of IW.

But the Nachfrage aus de Ausland schwächelt: Im ersten Halbjahr schrumpfte etwa de Ausfuhr von Autos een 2,4 Prozent zum Vorjahreszeitraum – and damn deutlich stärker as deutschen Exporte (minus 1,6 Prozent).

If it is a Gründen coup, neither the reconstruction of German politics nor the underworld will have had an impact. “We have a worldwirtschaft in the Krieg,” said Grömling with Verweis in the Russian Angriffskrieg against Ukraine and the Krieg in Nahen Osten. While China’s economic growth and uncertainty are manifesting, the US trade war is a reality. “Das strangles a traditional weltoffene Wirtschaft with Deutschland fundamental ab.”

The problem: before all the people from China enter the country, there is no other way. The Chinese real estate power is the Chinese power and stops with Konsum ab. The direction is aimed at the rapid nachfrage in the home country with the export of compensation and the high subsidies of products that are invoiced in Australia. China follow an “aggressive export strategy”, said Economic Minister Habeck am Mittwoch.

Zum others became Chinese products that could be used in e-mobility. Chinese marks are a technique and digitalization of the German world. Although it is all attractive, China is with the blessing “Made in China 2025” strategy to continue the years setting the vision of the global market führer and hanging up import products. This is the case with the most important Industriezweige Deutschlands. “One of the many problems that industrial policy has caused,” says Dullien of IMK. With high-quality scaffolding, German constructions are not common. “If these products are no longer or less imported in China, then people are a problem.”

There is a problem with the German market in the American market. If the law on reducing inflation is invested under the financing clause, production is determined in the US statistics. Now that the United States and China have left the US and China, both are major Wachstumsmärkte for Germany. “If both are so aggressive in industrial policy, it is schwierig, da mitzuhalten for Deutschland.” Besserung is not in Sicht in the US. “If Donald Trump becomes President, he won’t be any smarter.”

Trump hat im Wahlkampf bereits hohe Zölle auf Chinese Produkte, auch gegenüber dem Rest der Welt in Aussicht.

Who will we come to know?

The IW’s prognosis first came in November and Michael Grömling has now fallen. The IMK is following its policy more like a prozent, while the Bundesregierung is going through before 2025, after an unrealistic date stand. The Institute has reached a value of 0.7 percent and is only 1.1 percent of the Bundesregierung for 2025. “It is not completed, but it has never been as bad as the Entwicklung has gone into the free autumn,” said Sebastian Dullien. A Hoffnungsschimmer: Beim Maschinenbau has carried out the first studies on the Wachstums initiative, which has been invested since January 1, 2025.

The most important factor for Grömling vom IW: “Es braucht eine geopolitische Entspannung.” Now that you have a different idea of ​​the new insight, it is a matter of investing. But that is why Germany can only overcome its diplomatic versuchen, hinduzwirken. For Sebastian Dullien of IMK, the Bundesregierung lasted a longer period in Hebel. With regard to industrial policy on the responses, China and the US were involved – also with regard to the E-Mobilität wieder stärker fördern. In energy-intensive chemistry, energy efficiency plays a major role. A Brückenströmp journey would help here, as the name Tom Krebs suggests.

Most responses to the Federal Constitutional Court of the House of Representatives will develop the industry flow plans as a kind of general bonus for Kauf von E-Autos. “Man hat in the Abschwung hinein weiter gespart”, criticism of these Entscheidungen.

Both products are one of the two: Unternehmen brauchen een verlässliche Planungsgrundlage. The kitchen may be functioning properly.