
Hans Georg Näder: Plündern Sie Ihr Unternehmen, Herr Näder?

Hans Georg Näder: Plündern Sie Ihr Unternehmen, Herr Näder?

While he was playing an Olympic match, Hans Georg Näder was one of several athletes, who often got engaged and trained poorly, manchmal in the wild fumbling constrict and stets in Rampenlicht. Näder, 63, who was 105 years old in Ottobock
from Duderstadt zum Weltmarktführer für
Prosthetically shaped, with a luxurious appearancelive according to reason. Nach en nach hat seine Tochter Georgia Näder, 27, meer Verantwortung in der Firma übernommen.

An einem Tag im August Stehen both die in Olympic Dorf in Paris. Die Tochter lives in the French Hauptstadt, der Vater war gerade nor in Los Angeles, next week’s trip is to Südamerika, where a farm is owned. After Frank-Walter Steinmeier had first received the work statt vision, Ottobock was busy with the Paralympic game: Techniker schrauben a Rollstühlen and feilen a Protheses, a 3D Drucker sets her, a high-tech model has been postponed. When the Bundespräsident wieder is away, both have Zeit für ein Gespräch – their first conversations with a German speaking medium.