
Starke Cresemba® (Isavuconazole)-Umsätze in Asia-Pazifik and China los vierte Meilensteinzahlung für diese Region in diesem Jahr an Basilea aus

Starke Cresemba® (Isavuconazole)-Umsätze in Asia-Pazifik and China los vierte Meilensteinzahlung für diese Region in diesem Jahr an Basilea aus

Allschwil, October 10, 2024

Basilea Pharmaceutica AG, Allschwil (SIX: BSLN), a biopharmaceutical company that markets products and products, can help patients avoid infections caused by the bakery or pill, but it has no choice but to stop the intestinal manufacture of antifungal cresemba® (Isavuconazole) by Basileas Lizenzpartner Pfizer Inc. in the Asia-Pazifik and China region that Schwelle has written, by an Umsatzmeilensteinzahlung in the amount of 1.25 million dollars. was resolved.

David Veitch, Chief Executive Officer von Basilea, said: “It is the fourth May development for the Asia-Pazifik and China region in those years and it reflects the significant Medizinische Bedarf and the Wachstum of Cresemba in this region more broadly. The fact is that the cresemba increases the medical care of patients and patients, which allows invasive invasive treatment.»

The Lizenzvertrag is a Swiss Basilea and Pfizer in Europe (with the Northern Länder), anyway 16 Länder in Asian-Pazifisch Raum and China.

Cresemba is marketed in more than 70 states, in the United States, most EU Member States and other states within and outside Europe. Gemäss of new developments Market data believe in the world «In-Market»-Umsätze von Cresemba in Zwölfmonatszeitraum zwichen July 2023 and June 2024 from USD 505 Mio. The aim is a Wachstum van 20 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum.1

Over Isavuconazole (Cresemba®)

Isavuconazole is intravenous (iv) and orally available Arzneimittel gegen Pilzinectionen (Antimykotikum) from the Wirkstoff class of the Azole, with regard to the Trade Names Cresemba® was marketed. Basilea hat für Isavuconazole Lizenz- und Vertriebspartnerschaften für insgesamt bovine 115 Länder abgeschlossen. In the 27 Member States of the European Union on the island, Liechtenstein and Norway, the treatment of patients with disease for 1 year has changed to the treatment of invasive aspergillosis and the treatment of patients with mukormykosis, while treatment with amphotericin does not exist.2 In China, the oral and intravenous forms of treatment are for the treatment of erwachsenen patients with invasive aspergillosis and invasive mukormykosis zugelassen. Isavuconazole is established in the US at home and abroad in Europe, in Britain and Japan.3 Orphan drug status has been established for the medicines’ indications in the United States, Europe and Australia.

Uber Basilea

Basilea is a year ago in the year 2000 with Hauptsitz in the Swiss gegründetes biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen with ready marketed products. There are more and more innovative medicines for the development, sale and sale of patients, which allow infection by the bakery or the pill. With Cresemba and Zevtera, many medications for the Einsatz in the Spital have been brought onto the market: Cresemba for treating invasive Pilzin infections and Zevtera for treating bakery infections. You can consult a portfolio of clinical and clinical anti-infective programs. Basilea is one of the Schweizer Börse SIX Swiss Exchange-kotiert (Börsenkürzel SIX: BSLN). Besuchen Sie bitte unsere Website


This Mitteilung is extended or implied zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen with “glauben”, “annehmen”, “erwarten”, “prognostizieren”, “planen”, “können”, “konnten”, “werden” or ähnliche Ausdrücke regarding Basilea Pharmaceutica AG, Allsch wants and your Geschäftsaktivitäten, ua in Bezug auf de Fortschritt, het Zeitplan und de Abschluss von Forschung und Entwicklung who conduct clinical research with product candidates. Solche can deal with expanding the risks and the uncontrolled factors, which will do the following things, the financial low costs, the financing or the business operations of Basilea Pharmaceutica AG, which will provide the whole world with the financing targeted Aussagen reformehen. This Mitteilung was issued with the highest date. Basilea Pharmaceutica AG will be happy to inform you about the latest packaging, information about new information, information about the future, or updates about the environment.

For more information please contact:

Peer Nils Schröder, PhD

Head of Corporate Communications Investor Relations
Basilea Pharmaceutica International AG, Allschwil
Hegenheimermattweg 167b
4123 Allschwil

Telephone +41 61 606 1102
E-mail (email protected)
(email protected)

This press conference will take place on


  1. IQVIA Analytics Link, June 2024. Now try using the «In-Market» turnover of the currency in US dollars.
  2. European Public Assessment Report (EPAR) Cresemba: (Zugriff am 09. October 2024)
  3. The status of the Zulassung is such that the indication of the Land in the Land is not good.


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