
Club Manufaktur Schorndorf: Small Flights: Kinorevival under new direction – Home

Club Manufaktur Schorndorf: Small Flights: Kinorevival under new direction – Home

Verabschiedung und Schlüsselübergabe

The program for the cost-free production of the factory: At 6 p.m. the start of the company in Kinofoyer – followed by the long-term production and production of Kinokult for the sale of Jürgen Frank and the fine Schlüsselübergabe in Kinosaal new Betreiber at 6:30 p.m. Anschließend is entspannten „Get-together“ together with Getränken and Häppchenladen. At 8.30 pm it starts with the opening film “The Greatest Showman”, a film biography about the Zirkus pioneer PT Barnum.

The new Pächter in Kino Kleine Fluchten are Julia Schiemann and Daniel Gachstatter. When Jürgen Frank from the program in the Hammerschlag lets go of his organized hat for 31 years. They had both known their own biography in the Ludwigsburger Verein “Kinokult” and wollen program technically – with their own nose – and those anknüpfen, was Ihr Vorgänger Jürgen Frank in his heart that he had spent years. I am a Bewerbungsverfahren ich gegen four Bewerber durchgesetzt.

The Magic of Kinos

The next day of the wedding ceremony is the first day of the Eintrittspreise – from 11 o’clock in the afternoon of Mozart’s “The Hochzeit des Figaro” to be seen at the Royal Opera House in London. At 2.30 pm there will be an action for children from the age of eight. At 3.45 pm you will see the cinema Small Flights with the Magic of Cinema, with the film “The Light, from the Traume Since”. If the Magic of the Kinos das Herz is the new Samay erobert, so he is in the Info zum Film, setzt er Himmel und Erde in Bewegung, een “35-Millimeter-Träume” met verwirklichen. When you watch the movie later, Samay will leave the filmmaker. The film portrays family law on children’s rights of Nalin’s directors and feels the nostalgia of the films.

At 6:30 PM there will be no “The Greatest Showman” on the program, the history of a successful man, of his own work and a great empire. A family that deals with the kitchen, Barnum is the Schritt in Show Business and has a variety of varieties, Zirkus and Kuriositätenkabinett on.

Julia Schiemann and Daniel Gachstatter wollen in the Turkish manufacturer, who also watch European films, in the original with subtitles. Dazu comes with documentary films and special children’s entertainment with medieval scenes. The Reihe “Film and Conversation” has been planted. Auftakt ist am Donnerstag, October 17, at 8:15 PM with the French Film-Drama “Kein Wort”.