
Suspicious Package – Two Festnahmen nach Fund von etwa sieben Kilo Marihuana – Panorama

Suspicious Package – Two Festnahmen nach Fund von etwa sieben Kilo Marihuana – Panorama

Hamburg (dpa/lno) – Der Inhalt eines Päckchens hat im Hamburger Stadtteil St. Pauli zwei Festnahmen geführt. Those who have the police can take a means of staying in one of the hotels in a package, which offers the utmost care. These alarming people die in the package while it contains kilos of marijuana.

When a 36-year-old hotel guest receives the package and the solution, it’s a celebration. It’s bad that the police have been around the hotels for 38 years. Hotel zimmer and that of the men can certainly be of assistance during the trip, mobile telephony and underlays.

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