
So it’s a typical example of a beer to panic

So it’s a typical example of a beer to panic

Von Bier en Nieten über Panik en Reue

So it is a typical example of the Bremer Freimarkt ab

10.10.2024 – 15:08 UhrLesedauer: 4 minutes.

The Fahrgeschäfte on the free market leans with bunten Lichtern: Reizüberflutung ist Programm.Vergroßern des BildesThe Fahrgeschäfte on the free market leans with bunten Lichtern: Reizüberflutung ist Programm. (Quelle: Sina Schuldt)

In just one week, the fun time of the year begins in Bremen: the Freimarkt. If someone is honest, he will make up his mind about the Volksfest, but still a little. Time for a humorous run.

Der Duft von gebrannten Mandeln liegt schon in der Luft: Am 18. Oktober wird der 989. Bremer Freimarkt auf der Bürgerweide eröffnet. There are the most Volksfesten Deutschlands. For Bremen and for tourists it is of course not the case that they get a warm feeling – in the sin of the wort.

The appropriate clothing is one of the best ways to make a halfway-gelungen Abend. Now we have perfect “Freimarktwetter” (12 degrees, no rain), which remains stable during the night. In the summer you will also use the thick winter coat with a hood, before you start to worry and shiver at the Stimmung am Bierstand.

Entering the free market there are a few friendly friends with a fuller journey: a beautiful lie in the sky, a light flashing light source, while the music of the fahrgeschäfte is played. Die first quälende Frage, die sich aufdrängt: Was soll gegessen zijn? The Schmalzkuchen über Fischbrötchen bis zu Bratwurst is also so delicious. Also the first price is 8 Euro for three mushrooms with Knoblauchso and sauces.

Ah nice, das tat gut. There is a time for beer. What do you expect from these things after the first Zapfhahn über die Bürgerweide schlenderst, geht dir nur een danke durch den Kopf: “Boah, it is full here. Nervig, dies Geschubse und Gedränge. Wieso kommen denn auch Zehntausende other Menschen from the Idea, an a Freitagabend den Freimarkt zu besuchen?!

Menschenmenge at the Bremer Freimarkt: Here you can relax during the Freunde and Nerven.Vergroßern des Bildes
Menschenmenge at the Bremer Freimarkt: Here you can relax during the Freunde and Nerven. (Quelle: Bastiaan)

Losbude: Euphoria and Enttäuschung are so close to each other

The first beer was a Hake Beck from Fass who no longer saw what would happen. When the beer learns and the gaze shifts to the market, the power is greater and the hunger is greater. Jetzt is the perfect location, a fettig-rancid Schmalzkuchen are served and the combined Puderzucker on the Jacke zu served. A Festival Schmaus!

With Bierchen Number 2, the Größenwahn is one and you have a moving scent, one of the Losbude a dicken Fang machen zu können. “Come on, it’s okay, 5 Euro for 20 losses, that’s what we’re going to win!”, you think.

If you do not notice that the soil is of the Tatsachen land, the schmerzlich insight comes that the great Gain is now an illusion. And the prize is a radio gummi as a prize, for almost 5 euros. Either way, it’s more likely that a 2-meter plush minion will go the way of schlepping.

If immunity is compromised, Karussellfahren’s self-esteem can be increased. You cannot know anything special with the Freundesgroep: There will be one thing in the Wilde Maus, the other in the Geisterbahn. Under the Free-Fall-Tower it is a feast for the eyes. If there is a compromise in the Riesenrad, 3 stunden will be warted. In the Gondel you will find yourself with a wide view of the fuller Reue – well clear, that day is long, long and long. Die Wilde Maus brought this and the German friend to Fahrt. At the 60 meter height the chance increases, an image changes from the free market to the machine.

Nach der Zeitverschwendung in schwindelerregenender Höhe sagt der Appetit mal wieder Hello. It was worth it after a 12-Euro-Matjesbrötchen, which would have been worth 12 Stunden in the Auslage. Tasty! Nunists are often one of the few things they want to do, but they are stubborn. “Einfach nur ätzend, man kan keinen Fuß for the others setzen!” And then a look into the mixed sense of panic: a wallet and a handy noch da? What about a taschendieb-zugeschlagen, where did you steal your most beer glass? Phew, that’s all. Nächstes Mal lieber einen Brustbeutel Mitnehmen.