
Bewegte Bilder und Zeichen der Zeit

Bewegte Bilder und Zeichen der Zeit

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Bewegte Bilder und Zeichen der Zeit
Neben “The Painting Class” is neither a critical-satirical work by Federico Solmis at the Festival of the Existence. © Federico Solmi

Das B3-Festival Frankfurt rückt das Thema Demokratie und das Filmland Italien in den Fokus – with jeweils internationalen 30 Lang- en Kurzfilmen see an art and VR program

If you are in your shrill, schräge Welt – and kommen is no less grell and grotesque than with my gruesome grinsefratzen. You acknowledge that you are a kopfbedeckungen: am Zweispitz, am Pickelhelm, one of the Mitra, the Krone or the blond haartol. If you like „The Painting Class“, there is a cross-media work by Federico Solmi.

“There is a digital version of Malerei and power over video sequences,” says Bernd Kracke, who, as chairman of the Gestaltung Offenbach, is currently working on the trailer, which is on the Leinwand flirt. It is possible that American-Italian cuisine will take over as it booms. Who presented 2017 as the mega-installation “The Great Farce” at the Fassade des Schauspiels en der Oper Frankfurt Weltpremiere. There is no end to the award ceremony for the time of art of the B3 Festivals, from October 13 to 20 in Frankfurt, genre ubergreifing images in film, art, games, virtual reality and creative intelligence. And no longer in those years, with the theme “Democracy” at its core. I founded the Donnerstag during the program in the Astor Film Lounge in the Einkaufszentrum My Zeil, the headquarters of the festivals, before I took it up. On September 16, the Veranstaltungen will be broadcast at the Book Fair, the Kooperationspartnerin des Festivals ist.

With the baldige Wahl in the USA, Viktor Orbán in Ungarn, Giorgia Meloni in Italy, with the Rechtsruck in Frankreich, Holland and natürlich in Deutschland: I would like to be the leader of all kinds of organizations, we have “demokratischen Werten große Aufmerksamkeit guilty were sollte”, says Bernd Kracke , artistic Leiter des Festivals. The Theme will be celebrated in 2024, said Katharina Gerson, who is in charge of the program. “Wir wollen mit den Beiträgen nicht nur fragen, was Demokratie eigentlich bedeutet.” For all that it is a “Menschen in verschiedenen Gesellschaftsformen”. And that is true, Zeichen zu setzen.

A series with 60 international productions, 30 feature films and 30 Kurz films “with more political and social relevance”. Zum Beispiel with the French film „Souleymane’s Story“, which is a Guinean Einwanderers eintaucht in the living world and Nöte. Or with the documentary film ‘The Belle from Gaza’, in the Israeli Director Yolande Zauberman palästinensische Transmenschen begleitet, de Freiheit in Tel Aviv.

This is the way in which the feierlichen Eröffnung am Sonntag de Regisseurin, Drehbuchautorin und Schauspielerin Margarethe von Trotta for her Lebenswerk. There are films with “Die bleierne Zeit”, “Rosa Luxemburg” or “Hanna Arendt” which contain a film with a democratic view. The price will be estimated personally on October 14.

Passend zum diesjährigen Buchmessegastland, Italian is another Schwerpunkt of the B3-Festivals. After other films by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani appeared on the program, the “B3 BEN Award” for his Lebenswerk was received – posthumously. The prize of the schauspieler Ermanno Taviani, Sohn von Paolo Taviani, is hibernating.

B3 Festival of moving images from October 13 to 20 in Frankfurt, Astor Film Lounge, Zeil 106, and Buchmesse. Programme: