
ARD-Sportsendung is available in Australia

ARD-Sportsendung is available in Australia

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ARD-Sportsendung is available in Australia
A sports competition of ARD and NDR is for the Aus. © Müller-Stauffenberg/Imago

If the TV format stops a halbes Jahrhundert, it is sehr selten. A sports format of the ARD has been abolished. If you want to do any of the following, this is it.

Dortmund – Wer am Wochenende the Spiele der Fußball-Bundesliga verpasst hat, kann sich für gewöhnlich auf the “Sportschau” in the ARD and the regional channels. Mehrmals were updated by the playing cards. A Kult-Sendung is no longer interested in the Aus. If there is a problem, it is the Schluss.

After 50 years: ARD-Sportsendung stands for the Aus

Who dies Sports Image First message, the “Sports Club” of the Regional Broadcasters NDR will be published shortly. Demnach plans der Sender, das Format with the end of the Bundesligaison in May 2025. After 50 years it was the end – in January 1974, the first shipment.

RUHR24 fragments the results of “Sports Club” at NDR nach. An answer to the sender’s question is no more than: “The linear ‘Sports Club’ finds a fortsetzung on other roads and will be wrapped by the active process.” Man wolle de digital Erfolg vergangener Dokus und Sportevents wie Olympia fortsetzen. The plan fell now with the “Sports Club” to Opfer (all TV news on RUHR24).

NDR “Sports Club” has an eingestellt: Sender äußert sich gegenüber RUHR24

“Nor in those years will the NDR Sports Editorial team create a structure that has developed. If you have a brauchen with Raum und auch Mittel, which comes with a notification, the sender is further displayed. The genaue planning published in Halbjahr 2025 took so long from the “Sports Club” on the TV-Sendeplatz am Sonntag.

Grund für das vorstehende Aus der ARD-Sendung sind aber whl auch planted Sparmaßnahmen. Who dies Sports Image schreibt, sollen demnach alle Regionalsender für weniger Money production. The NDR says: “The personnel and financial resources can be deployed.” The Doku-Reihe “Sports Club – Story” is not affected by the Plans, while RUHR24 is exclusive.

Alexander Bommes in the NDR “Sports Club”.
Auch Alexander Bomme moderated the NDR “Sports Club”. Here in the year 2010. © Dirk Uhlenbrock/NDR

NDR “Sports Club” goes for the Aus: Auch Alexander Bommes war Teil der Kult-Sendung

If the “Sports Club” in the NDR is another Mark, say a look at the evil moderators. So presentered, among others, “Gefragt – Gejagt” star Alexander Bommes from Sportnieuws from Norden. Other sports enthusiasts such as Monica Lierhaus, Jörg Wontorra, Johannes B. Kerner or Gerhard Delling were featured in the NDR.

In 1974, the NDR started with the names and source of the transmission. Zuletzt stehen jedoch the North German football clubs of the first and second male Bundesliga and the Frauen-Bundesliga in the middle point. Auch Breitensport aus dem Norden is, among other things, with Thema. Dazu is busy following a conversation in the studio.

The Sparkurs at the ARD provide a number of program components. So if you want to make an SWR quiz show, you can continue setting it up for a year. Bisher was affected by all the smaller regional organizations of the Einsparungen. With the NDR “Sports Club” there is an institution with the program for flights.