
Klarna-Finanz-Expertin gives 3 tips for signal scaffolding

Klarna-Finanz-Expertin gives 3 tips for signal scaffolding

Ben October 11, 2024 is the international Mädchentag and a woolen diesen Tag zum Anlass nehmen, um auf die immer noch weit verbreitete Benachteilung von Mädchen and Frauen im Berufsleben aufmerksam zu machen. Topics involving the gender pay gap, healthcare management and poorer options are now a few of the punks, which could be exchanged with more information.

Gerade for young women and young women, who may not even have gone through their debts, study or gerade frisch ins Berufsleben have started as, spoil es Tips from the Praxis of Women, whom they have not questioned and their poor Ziele erreicht.

One woman who has been abolished and is in the financial sector is Nicole Defren, head of Klarna Germany.

An overview of the prosperous experiences with these three important tips for young women and young women who are considering their careers.

#1 Vitamin B

Have you had any debt or studies? Then it is the best time, one of your networks. Who? Mache zum Beispiel ein Praktikum in deiner Wunschbranche. We better stay informed about a student job at work. Now that you’ve found this, it was worth doing. Make sure you make such an important contact that you can use.

In this matter, financial expert Nicole Defren focuses on the guidance of a mentor or mentor. If you are in another country, the man can rely on one way or another through which he can gain knowledge.

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#2 Self-delay

One of the most important assets that man brings with him, from a miserable start, is self-manufacturing. And yes, it is a fact that this happens. It is not the case that you go back and forth one morning when all the adjustments have been completed.

But Selbstvertrauen lässt itself erlernen. Whatever the name says, it is a challenge to increase the individuality of the shine and not worsen it, but Stärken man is himself mitbringt.

The Klarna expert in concrete, it is worth keeping the robberies separate, whoever the person is. Wer involved is a small Scheu hat, voranzugehen, kommt gut an. If someone has an idea, they will proactively engage. If you ask the expert recovery orders, you can help these girls.

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#3 Entwicklung

Gerade in short terms diesen, in the inner part of the kürzester-zeit it can be that a flexible man is flexible. Laut Nicole Defren is very important, because she wants to see new Wissen. Weiterentwicklung functions now, if man is prepared, continue learning.

Before the career starts, you need to get new ideas and make new ideas interesting.

If you want, you can use the tips of the Klarna financing expert and you can use them for the best career machines. For more exciting financing tips, please visit for more information.

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