
Festival NOW! für Neue Musik lässt Klänge nachschwingen, Theater und Philharmonie Essen GmbH, Story

Festival NOW! für Neue Musik lässt Klänge nachschwingen, Theater und Philharmonie Essen GmbH, Story

In the countryside we are surrounded by a center for the world of contemporary languages: Vom 26. October to 10. November 2024 lädt die Philharmonie Essen in common with der Folkwang University of the Artsdem Landesmusikrat NRW and there Society for New Music Ruhr e. V. zum Festival NOW! An. There is light on the 14th. The mass of the day Kunststiftung NRWder Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach Foundation and dem Ministerium for Culture and Science des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. 17 Transformations with eight Uraufführungen and three German Erstaufführungen in unterschiedlichsten Besetzungen, a Workshop for Children and Youth as well as a Schulprojekt beschäftigen sich under their diesjährigen Motto “Laissez vibrator” with the Nachschwingen of gehörten Klängen. The “Laissez vibrer” comes from the Schlagzeug literature and ensures the interpretation of a sound or a Schlag on the instrument after welding. During the Sinne Möchte das Festival dazu ermuntern, das in de Konzerten Gehörte auf individual Weise vibrieren zu lassen: Resonance as an inner musical Moment and Nachhall des Erlebten.

The Festival begins with two Konzerten über Texte von ETA Hoffmann am Donnerstag, October 31, 2024 in der Philharmonie: Um 7:00 PM I’m RWE Pavillon and I bring the tie Ensemble Ascolta zunächst Günter Steinke’s Work „Der Sandmann“ about the gleichnamige Erzählung from the „Nachtstücken“ zur Aufführung. Um 8:30 PM follow with Alfried Krupp Saal a Präsentation von Max Neufelds Stummfilm “Hoffmanns Erzählungen” (1923) with the Musik von Johannes Kalitzke Musik zur Max Neufelds Stummfilm “Hoffmanns Erzählungen” (1923), live played vom Konzerthausorchester Berlin under the Leitung des Komponisten.

Individuell sehr unterschiedliche Schwingungen gerät die Musik verschiedener Soloinstrumente in Luciano Berios “Sequenza”: Am Friday, 01. November, at 3:00 PM present Studiende der Folkwang Universität der Künste Ausgewählte Stücke aus diesem Zyklus im Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Saal des Museum Folkwang. Karlheinz Stockhausen inherited the internal structures of the keyboard in his keyboard pieces, the numbers I to VIII of the Italian pianist Ciro Longobardi um 8:00 PM im RWE Pavillon der Philharmonie interprets wird, paired with Roberto Doatis electroacoustic Hommage and this Werke.

Thats Studio Music Factory I’m following 02. November, 6:00 PM Uhr in the RWE pavilion is another Uraufführung of the Athenian tribesmen Komponisten Ioannis Mitsialis in Gepäck, bevor um 9:00 PM in Alfried Krupp Saal a new composition by Enno Poppe on the program: Nicht weniger als zehn Drumsets ordered das Werk with dem Titel „Streik“, umgesetzt vom Percussion Orchestra Cologne.

Let’s have a look at the German achievements of the Chamber Concert of the Threesome Summary am November 3 at 4:00 PM in the RWE Pavillon: Franck Bedrossian’s “La solitude du rijder de fond” for alto saxophon in the revision Fassung (2022 to 2024) and Giorgio Nettis “puLsar”, which is based on the Pulsiers von Neutronensternen.

First time as Aufführungsort des Festival NOW! fungi the architecturally masterful Sanaa Gebäude in the area of ​​the Welterbe Zollverein. The Concert Program is 03. November, 7:00 PM Uhr It is a spearhead of the lonely Räumlichkeit: Neben de “Rez-Tér” by the active Philharmonie-Porträtcomponists Márton Illés and “Felsen – Unerklärlich” by Elnaz Seyedi comes with his new work by Thomas Neuhaus, the own Folkwang professor for das Sanaa -Gebäude composed hat. It was interpreted by the three Werke vom Ensemble “The Monochrome Project” um the Trumpeter Marko Blaauw.

Zum Auftakt des zweiten Festivalwochenendes ist am 08. November, 7:00 PM Uhr zunächst that WDR Symphony Orchestra In Alfried Krupp Saal zu Gast: Unter der Leitung von Brad Lubman, another new orchestra song with the title “Mein Fleisch” by Gordon Kampe was included in a tribute to his Lehrer Nicolaus A. Huber, der 2024 seinen 85. Geburtstag feert . That in itself 9:30 PM in RWE anschließende Late Night Concert presented by the Live-Elektronik-Projekt “Machine Environment” der both on electronic music-special composers Agostino Di Scipio and Dario Sanfilippo.

Ben 09. November, at 4:00 PM The Festival Publikum zu einem Abstecher in the Neue Aula der Folkwang Universität der Künste is finished: “Drawing a straight line in a curved universe” title Roman Pfeifer Seine Konzertperformance voor sieben Instrumente, Tanz, Elektronik und Licht, die hier in je Uraufführung-feiern world. Zurück in der Philharmonie, warten um 7:00 PM In a camp concert in the RWE pavilion we continued with a new work by the Japanese composer Chikako Morishitas, which has a new composition by the British Richard Barrett. I anschließenden Late Night Concert um 9:30 PM ist Barrett then am Keyboard in common with them Electro-acoustic ensemble and the improvisational musician Evan Parker of erleben.

Small and large Besetzungen include the abschließende Festivalsonntag, November 10. Um 4:00 PM said Badger Threesome Research in RWE Pavillon zunächst Werke von Arnold Schönberg, Brian Ferneyhough and Helmut Lachenmann. I am a greater Abschlusskonzert um 7:00 PM I am Alfried Krupp Saal presentiert das Gürzenich Orchestra Cologne under the Leitung von Gergely Madaras das Klarinettenkonzert “Re-Akvarell” by Philharmonie-Porträtkomponist Márton Illés (Solistin: Boglárka Pecze) as well as the Uraufführung von dessen Orchesterstück “Tér-Szín-Tér” in the full-length Fassung, die Milica Djordjevićs “ Quicksilver” plays and Arnold Schoenberg’s “Fünf Orchesterstücke”, op. 16.

NOW! zu Guest at the Gesellschaft für Neue Musik Ruhr

In Essen, contemporary music can be heard more often. The Philharmonic and the Folkwang University of Art have become one of the most important meeting places since 1989 by the Society for New Music in Ruhr (GNMR). Gegründet von Komponist*innen and Interpret*innen in the Ruhr area, the GNMR supports the Verstandnis for the Gegenwartsmusik on über Konzerte and Workshops. Seit 2022 will be in the Räumlichkeiten der “Neuen Musik Zentrale” at Viehofer Platz 18 in Hause. A new collaboration partner of NOW! Festivals is the GNMR Samstag, October 26, at 3:00 PM zu Wandelkonzerten e – one of the best offers for the official Festival Start of the Nordstadt with the combined Essener Innenstadt at NOW! 2024 einzustimmen.

Workshop “Silkroad Kids” for children and young people from 8 to 14 years

Friday, November 1, 2024, 10:00 AM, Philharmonie Essen, Festsaal

Dieser Workshop is a workout for all sins and a musical program in the Chinese “I Ging”, the book of the walking lungs. Gemeinsam gestalte de teilnehmenden im Alter of 8 to 14 years the time and the room with musical images and presentations that in an abstract mini-performance.

Report to Merja Dworczak, T +49 201 8122-826, [email protected]

Composition project “Sound LAB” for new debts

Das Projekt für Schüler*innen Essener Schulen (Frieda-Levy-Gesamtschule, Maria-Wächtler-Gymnasium, Glückauf-Schule, LVR-Helen-Keller-Schule) started with the musical power and energy, the bells outside the door. There are other symbols and signals in mid-punk music. The elements experiment with the representation of different symbols and elements in the Laufe of four monates in their own musical work. The end of the projects was celebrated in an Abschlusskonzert in the Philharmonie am Donnerstag, January 30, 2025, at 6:00 PM von den Schulklasses selbst aufgeführt.

Program presentation and program book

Zum Aftakt des Festivals besteht für das Publikum am October 30, 2024, 7:30 PM that Occasion, more than the program is completed. In the RWE Pavillon of the Philharmonie Essen, Prof. Günter Steinke from the Folkwang Universität der Kunst the high punkte for and erläutert the diesjährige Festival motto “Laissez vibrer”. A program is being implemented with an elaboration of all works. The publication is a price of € 3.50 with the program for the jewelry in the other views.

Festival Pass and Tickets

With the NOW! Festival Pass (Price: € 30.00), the price for all performances of the NOW! Festival Cards for jewelery tickets is € 7.00. The Gold Plated Permit for a card for the Veranstaltung of your Festival Pass. The Festival Pass and the valid ticket for the Festival Pass Prize are valid in the TicketCenter of TUP, II. Hagen 2 (Mon 10am-4pm; Tue-Fri 10am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm) and an der Kasse des Aalto-Theaters, Opernplatz 10 (Tue-Sat 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM). An Online Booking of Festival Passes at is not possible.

A ticket for a price of jewelery € 17.00 is valid in the TicketCenter der TUP, II. Hagen 2 (Mon 10am-4pm; Tue-Fri 10am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm), an der Kasse des Aalto-Theaters, Opernplatz 10 (Tue-Sat 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM), by telephone at T 0201 81 22-200 or online at

Kartenvorkauf for all Veranstaltungen der Folkwang Universität der Künste over the central Kartenhotline under Tel. 0201 49 03-231 or as Bestellung en [email protected].

All information about the festival at