
NDR-Sport: Volleyball-Bundesliga: Schwerin holt mit Kokram first Thailänderin der Clubgeschichte

NDR-Sport: Volleyball-Bundesliga: Schwerin holt mit Kokram first Thailänderin der Clubgeschichte

Status: 11.10.2024 15:23 Uhr

The Schweriner Bundesliga volleyball players have played the free time of the Pimpichaya Kokram – they are the first Thai countries in the history of the SSC. The age of 26 is a celebration in the national team of the Asian countries.

Pimpichaya Kokram is coach Felix Koslowski’s team in the furthest position. On the background of the Knieverletzung of Nova Marring, which has fallen for more Monate, the Verein stands for the Herausforderung, an inheritance and leistungsstrongke Spielerin as Ersatz found. If you see the SSC responsible situation, you can find the ideal representation: you can bring a high degree of anxiety into your anxiety.

Koslowski knows Kokram von Länderspielen

“We are happy, Pimpichaya Kokram in Schwerin will come to his senses and enjoy our work together with this person. They will be with their experience and their playing with a great role in their own framework,” said Coach Koslowski. There are no Thai countries engaged in the German and Dutch National Mannschaft in the international Turniere region. “As the first Thai play in the Vereinsgeschichte, the power of this rendition is so incredibly important for one.”

“I am very happy with the support here in Schwerin.”
– Pimpichaya Kokram

Debut in the Heimspiel against Suhl

In the 26th century, the occupations in the Japanese, Indonesian and Thai League active war, it is true that the new Herausforderung is a “ein bisschen aufgeregt”. In Thailand, the hype is a big national man, who plays the club when he is weaker Zuschauer and deshalb bin ich sehr tense on the Stimmung here in Schwerin,” says the Außenangreiferin. Am Sonnabend (18 Uhr) empfangen de Schwerinerinnen in der Volleyball- Bundesliga in VfB 91 Suhl.

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Nordmagazine | 11.10.2024 | 7:30 PM