
NRW Health Award for innovative designs

NRW Health Award for innovative designs

Dusseldorf. The St. Franziskus-Stiftung Münster is so close to the road, the energy efficiency of Krankenhäuser is high and they bring schrittweise in the direction of climate neutrality.

While the Gruppe 14 is covering Krankenhäuser and zehn Achtererten- und Senioreninrichtungen in Nordrhein-Westfalen and Bremen, a project with a long history and a more extensive name: “A model project with an exemplary function for climate protection and health protection in Krankenhaus: Bedarfsabhängige Raumtemperaturregeling mit Energiefunktionen – smart Radio thermostat and window contact ensure high energy efficiency.

The initiative is the Foundation with the Platz des Gesundheitspreises Nordrhein-Westfalen 2023 to be approved. An innovative project is presented, and it fits in with the theme of a year of stattfindenden Landesgesundheitskonferenz.

For the Health Award 2023, the theme “Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung sind Gesundheitsschutz” was awarded. For the insgesamt 15,000 Euro, a price is paid for 14 projects. The preisträger can be used.

Die Folgen des Klimawandels in de Fokus-rücken

The first platform is the project “KlimaSicher in social Einrichtungen” of the Kreisverwaltung Soest. If all goes well, Bewohners and Bewohners are busy with senior affairs and other social institutions that focus on the next climbing walks. This is followed by workshops for knowledge management and improvements for concrete climate change management by experts. The Empfehlungen are based on a preliminary analysis.

On the Zweiten Platz, the Community project “Climate walking in the Quartier” is a variety of Einrichtungen, Organizationen und Institutionen in Dortmund. About one of the hitze-telephones for seniors and seniors, climbing spaziergängen or a Trinkwasser-Sprechstunde wollen, the following climbing walks have been informed and continuously raised among the gefährdete person groups.

“Auch the health sector has been affected by the environmental impact,” said NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) about the price change. The planned projects can be abandoned, the company can determine the interests of the climbing route and follow up with its affiliates for general protection on the jetty. (iss)