
So a McDonald’s hat has never been born – a ziggarige Filiale in Nachbarland

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In Linz, the first McDonald’s branch in Austria has become a new “Human Comfort” design. The work was done and the family wanted to get away from it all.

Linz – The city of Linz has been awarded the title of hosting the first McDonald’s branch in the new “Human Comfort” design in Austria. In Wiener Straße in Stadtteil Kleinmünchen you will find the Fast-Food-Kette at 34. Branch in Oberösterreich.

A construction engineer with the McDonalds Construction Plan “Einreichplanung” of the Neubau projects.
Trotz Bürgerinitiative pro Naturschutz: At the end of 2023, the Construction of the McDonalds Branch will begin in Wiener Straße in Linz. © IMAGO / Harald Dostal

Das Restaurant is not active in Bau. After all, the project is based on a good idea. Bereits Ende 2023 is formed by Widerstand against the Bauvorhaben. An resident has initiated a petition, one of the branches on a grünfläche that is prevented. It is likely that the construction project will produce a large amount of wood and a more powerful amount of energy. But das Bauvorhaben wurde trotzdem omgesetzt. And McDonald’s speaker Jessica Schreckenfuchs-Vallant best at “The new Restaurant für Gäste geöffnet opened on December 10, 2024.”

The McDonalds logo on a stand
New McDonald’s concept premieres: At the end of the year, Linz has a new fast-food branch © IMAGO / NurPhoto

Fast food fans going bald on a McDonald’s freuen, the rest are all bisherigen. The innovative design was created for up to 50 new workplaces. Particularly exciting: The work that has taken place is such that the service workers will continue to operate, and that they will continue to function in the new business.

New McDonald’s concept: Was there a ‘Human Comfort’ design?

The “Human Comfort” design, which originated in Austria, creates a warm and wonderful atmosphere. Schreckenfuchs-Vallant is described in the Nachfrage von IPPEN.MEDIA as a Mischung with “modern, minimalist, functional and geometric”. But the design is now more visually impressive. It is sad to know that the guest is a victim of the security of being away – so, if you live in your own home.

Padded Möbel and Tische of the new McDonalds-Konzepts.
New concept: “Human Comfort” creates a living atmosphere with an improved Geräuschkulisse. © McDonald’s

A central element of design is the representation of the furniture industry, which illuminates a large and private atmosphere. Sitzgelegenheiten and Tische are arranged in such a way that the guest in the Ruhe is essential and that the Mahlzeiten are genius, ohne das Gefühl zu haben, because in Geschehen zu sein. Hinzu comes bequeme Polsterung.

New McDonald’s Restaurant open-air in Linz: More Efficiency and Comfort

But McDonald’s is not in the Ästhetik, but on an improved meal in the restaurant. The new Filiale has been shaped after the previous optimized position in Germany, there are a number of restaurants with modern modernization. Here it is all about the guests having an efficient operation.

A new one from the new McDonalds-Konzepts
More privacy: the new “Human Comfort” design features minimalist and efficient designs. © McDonald’s

It is important to know that the kitchen process improves: the production lines are of the same quality, but the quality of the production is also very good.

The new “Human Comfort” concept is also available in other McDonald’s branches. McDonald’s Speaker Jessica Schreckenfuchs-Vallant works on the Nachfrage von IPPEN.MEDIA: “In welchen Restaurants das Design you can still be a leader who never communicates.” The “Human Comfort”-Design can no longer be a bit new in the branches of the Fast-Food-Market. If you want to know more, all people in McDonalds branches will be arrested. (ls)