
Jahrestage, Jubiläen, Geburtstage, Todestage vom 12. October

Jahrestage, Jubiläen, Geburtstage, Todestage vom 12. October


The first chamber of the Prussian parliaments, where the members of parliament were accepted, were taken over by the Beschluss of King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. in a mansion (with erblichen or auf Lebenszeit ernannten Mitgliedern) umwalked.


Deutsche Truppen erobern die Nordfranzösische Stadt Lille.


Gustav Mahlers 10. Sinfonie – volendet von Ernst Krenek und Alban Berg – uraufgeführt (Conductor: Franz Schalk).

The Zeppelin LZ 126 started with the Atlantik-Überquerung an Luftschiffs. Landung nach 81 Stunden und 17 Minuten in Lakehurst (New York) in Anwesenheit of US President Calvin Coolidge.


The Steyr-Werke merges with the Austro-Daimler-Puchwerke AG with “Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG”.


Aus Österreich and the “Reichsprotektorat Böhmen en Mähren” were the first Jews from the Nazi German Behörden to Poland deported.

Hitler relieved the Erlass from the establishment of the “General Government for the Besetzten Polnischen Gebiete”. Hans Frank with General Governor.


Vorreckende US-Truppen therereichen den Stadtrand von Aachen.

In Griechenland, the German Truppen abandoned the Hafenanlagen von Piräus.


Otto Grotewohl, the Social Democratic Party in the current Besatzungszone with the Communists of the SED, is together with the first Prime Minister of the German Democratic Republic.


The first Volksbegehren in de Geschichte Österreichs is abgeschlossen: 830.000 Citizens unterstützen die Forderung, Radio und Fernsehen dem Parteienproporz zu entziehen.

The Soviet Raumkapsel “Woschod 1” occupied by three cosmonauts started with a Flug ins All.


Federal President Jonas and Jugoslawiens Chief of State Marschall Tito eröffnen the Grenzbrücke at Bad Radkersburg between the Steiermark and Slowenien.


An IRA bomb attack on the hotel in Brighton, in the battle between the British Conservatives and Prime Minister Thatcher, has chosen four Todesopfer and 32 Verletzte.


The UNO recognizes that Buben, born in the Bosnian Hauptstadt Sarajevo, symbolically zum sechsmilliardsten Erdenbürger.

More devastating military putsch in Pakistan: General Staff Chief Pervez Musharraf controls the democratic leadership of the Minister Presidents Nawaz Sharif, the festivities.


The Islamist fuhrer and self-declared “Kalif von Köln”, Metin Kaplan, was dismissed from the Turkish government by Germany.

The regulation is based on the design of the pension harmonization in the ministerial council.


The American Economic Nobel Prize has become a woman: the American-American Elinor Ostrom has ended the American collaboration with his Landsmann Oliver Williamson.

Name stage

Maximilian, Horst, Pilar, David

Birth stage

Margarethe Gousanthier (gen. “Frau Buchela”), dt. Astrologin u. Zukunftsdeuterin (1899-1986)
Giovanni Malagodi, ital. Politician (1904-1991)
Franz Baermann Steiner, Czech-Brit. Lyriker and ethnologist (1909-1952)
Will Berthold (pseud. Stefan Amberg), dt. Scripture writer (1924-2000)
Alfred Lehr, ost. Communication change (1924-2011)
Josef Frühwirth, ost. Nationalokonom (1929-2007)
Richard A. Meier, American architect (1934)


Josef Scheu, ost. Composer (1841-1904)
Anatole France (Eigtl. Jacques Anatole Thibault), frz. Writer (Literaturnobelpreis 1921) (1844-1924)
Oskar Baumann, Austria Ethnologist u. Afrikaforscher (1864-1899)
Oskar Jellinek, ost. Scripture writer (1886-1949)
Arnolt Bronnen, ost. Scripture writer (1895-1959)
Serge Poliakoff, Franz. Maler and Grafiker Russ. Herkunft (1900-1969)
Felix Hurdes, East. Politiker (ÖVP), Nationalratspräs. 1953-59 (1901-1974)
Stella Kadmon, East. Schausp., Kabarettistin u. Theater teacher (1902-1989)
Serge Poliakoff, Russian-Frz. Maler (1906-1969)
Sonja Henie, Norway. Eiskunstläuferin and Schauspielerin (1912-1969)
Frank “VdB” Vandenbroucke, Belgium. Radprofi (1974-2009)

It is now a “runde” anniversary