
Winterzeit: Was gegen Winterblues en Müdigkeit hilft

Tips against the winter blues:Besser mit der Winterzeit clarity

The Zeitumstellung reads the Jahreszeit one. Tips against illness, depressive complaints and depressive feelings if the winter period lasts longer.

Winter depression

We know it as follows: it is a matter of years after learning and standard learning. Do you want to do that?21.01.2022 | 14:49 min

Let the October week begin with the hour of the three on the two Uhr zurückgestellt. Eine Stunde – das klingt nach nicht vader. Kann dies during the Körper infusions? “That comes with the person,” said Kneginja Richter. Sie ist Fachärztin für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Schlafmedizin also Sprecherin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung en Schlafmedizin (DGSM). “It’s a human being who is hypersensitive in the time of response. They notice that they have all gone through the music and the flight,” said Richter. Most people tend to use a woche at the new time.

Laut Richter since es for all men with Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, the wiser of the Zeitumstellung reacteren. If you have stress factors and changes in rhythm play a major role. The women generally have a superior attitude as a man, even if they are.

Gerade at Menschen, who is in the Vollzeit Arbeiten, is a Mittagspause who is a healthy Lebens- und Schlafroutine-wichtig – where we are Schlafexpertin Kneginja Richter. However, it is worth a little effort to emphasize that it is so:

  • two minutes and that fresh air
  • They are able to understand the future of the Augen.

If you can help the maßnahmen, it will take a long time before you can establish a life and eating routine.

Schlafende Frau

Mediziner warned that, Schlafstörungen auf the light Schulter zu nehmen. The illness can increase the risk of major folgeerkrankungen. 21.06.2024 | 1:31 min

Auf de Zeitumstellung vorbereiten

If we were to prepare for the Zeitumstellung, Richter would be able to adjust the week for our own Einschlaf- en Aufstehzeiten along with the new Zeit – also we would be better prepared for it and we would be able to continue with it. If all goes well, a Tageslichtwecker is zu useful. The light-weaker has used the sun’s rays for a power of the Wachwerden. Richter has neither a tip:

Ich empfehle, in the Autumn and Winter Monatens, tomorrow I will take a light dusche.

Kneginja Richter, Speaker of the German Society for Schlafforschung and Schlafmedizin

Winterzeit: Light therapy with Lichtdusche

If the days are dark and radiant, beautiful daylight lamps, with light showers, artistic expressions for the sunlight. They have a range of 3,000 and 10,000 lux and can be light blue, but more precise. “Set you yourself tomorrow, a half a day for the lamp,” says the expert. It is the best Muntermacher. Aber: It is a hell that is hell, empfiehlt sich natural light. I’m Idealfall, man and that fresh Luft.

Unternehmerin Dagmar Wöhrl discutiert on ZDFZeit Format "The great generational struggle".

Generation Z focuses on the topic of mental health, no longer through the discourse on social media. The Generation Boomer has fallen one way or another, Schwäche zu seen.07.09.2024 | 0:59 min

Darauf weist auch Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld, stellvertretender Sprecher of Sektion Hausärztliche Praxis der DEGAM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin) ausdrücklich hin.

One of the experiences with the fresh air is that it is worth stopping and not breathing anymore.

Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld, representative of the Section Hausärztliche Praxis der DEGAM

It is best to see the Vormittag or Mittag. If you are busy working in the garden, it has become a fact of life. Not forgotten: That is gilded after a Regentagen.

Sports at Kälte

:What is important about jogging in winter?

The temperature drops and drops and is softer and lighter. It is often a sporty thing. Was kann man tun, um trotzdem fit zu bleiben?

Four men are not jogging on a different road.

Ritual for the Schlafengehen

“Schlafhygiene – also Verhaltensweisen, which a erholsamen Schlaf fördern – is always important, aber bei Schlafstörungen or anhaltender Müdigkeit undersonders”, says Mühlenfeld. Just look at the way the liquid on alcohol, alcohol and blue light comes out of electronic devices.
There are experts who want to do this kind of thing. Think of a Tasse Tee, others of a podcast, a book or a meditation. Please note that this was not the case, it was a problem or a problem. “Außerdem empfehle ich meinen Patientinnen und Patienten eine Wärmeflasche an den Füßen”, so Mühlenfeld.

Good Schlafhygiene

:Nice tips for a holsamen Schlaf

Schlafen is healthy and has power to match the Tag. If you have trouble troubleshooting, you can often do this. With these tips a man can get more information.

by Sarah Hufnagel

A Mann lies in a dunklen Zimmer in Bett.

Ernährung v Abgeschlagenheit

Allgemeinmediziner Mühlenfeld held little of Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln: “A well-considered Ernährung loves everything, was man for health and good health.” A freshly pressed Orangensaft am Morgen is a vitamin brause tablet. Ein Salat ersetze Mineralstoff-Präparate. Seine Faustformel: the sollte is sein.

If the expert appeals to the question, there is no question of a medically notorious trade. “It is so that you can start with Ihrem Hausarzt abklären.”

More hair ausfall in Herbst?

:Sieben Mythen runs a Haare im Check

Own shovels’ properties can be one of the most common problems, such as hair and co. rich myths spread since. Do you encourage this?

by Janine Nimmich

A woman with blond hair is standing in front of a mirror. In your hand you put a hair brush into a hair brush plug.

A person holds a smartphone in hand. You can now see the WhatsApp Channel of the ZDFheute.

Quelle: ZDF

Do you see wool on the laufenden? Then you can visit our ZDFheute-WhatsApp-Channel right now. Even for a morning coffee, lunch or dinner – there you go the right messages directly on your smartphone. Just watch an excerpt or part of the inspiring mini-podcast “Kurze Auszeit”. If you want to leave a WhatsApp channel, please log in here: ZDFheute-WhatsApp-channel.

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