
They are getting bigger and bigger, the power of Tierheim-Alltag Hunden will increase

They are getting bigger and bigger, the power of Tierheim-Alltag Hunden will increase

Troisdorf- Neither Nala nor Felix live in Tierheim Troisdorf, but it’s not so much fun anymore. Both die Hunde blieben von Besuchern bislang leader unnoticed, weshalb ihre Pfleger jüngst kräftig that Werbetrommel für ihre both Schützlinge rührten.

Staffy-Mischling Nala said that caring people shift and are friendly.

Staffy-Mischling Nala said that caring people shift and are friendly. © Tierheim Troisdorf/Website

Nala and Felix will stay longer in the Troisdorfer Tierasyl, while they see the Fellnasen after a right Zuhause, while they can continue even longer.

Now that the end of the world has been reached, the Tierheim-Mitarbeiter start a few times on Instagram and the Hunde has more than 23,000 fans.

Staff-Mix-Hündin Nala is often a bit skeptical when she goes on Fremde-trifft. Ihren Bezugspersonen are gegenüber ist de Fourfold in aber sehr offen, enjoyt de Zuwendung deutlich and ist “unheimlich Gerne Dabei”, with their Pfleger messageseten.

Yorkshire Terrier from the neighborhood Haltung befreit: We are happy with the happy ending for our dog?
Yorkshire Terrier from the neighborhood Haltung befreit: We are happy with the happy ending for our dog?

The eight years that the other people formed a turbulent environment and people are their security.

If the tension in the domestic market is the power over whether it is necessary to buy, we urgently need to use a children’s meal, a cat and a little bit for the four senses.

“Mit Artgenossen ist si nach Sympathie gut verträglich”, inform the interested parties by Pfleger potential.

Münsterländer-Rüde Felix braucht inherite Menschen, die ich Souveränität und Ruhe bieten.

Münsterländer-Rüde Felix braucht inherite Menschen, die ikhm Souveränität and Ruhe bieten. © Tierheim Troisdorf/Website

Felix described the issue as “clever Guy”, making a clear Rahmen brauche. If you have another rough experience, while you are “I have no more boundaries, but I will be pushed aside.”

Auch der kleine Münsterländer come in Tierheim nur zur Ruhe and sehnt themselves nach Menschen, who could live in their souverän. Weil is in a different situation that the war has begun within the war, but his friends are with a fragmented experience.

“Felix is ​​​​a lusty guy, who had been white for a while, was a lot and was not a niece,” he explains.

Hundin büxt aus und erlebt Abenteuer in der Großstadt
Hundin büxt aus und erlebt Abenteuer in der Großstadt

Wer einen der Hunde might learn, can by email [email protected] Please contact the Mitarbeitern procedure. All additional information über Nala beziehungsweise Felix gibt’s visit to the Tierheims website.