
Johann Lafer presents the perfect frikadellen!

Johann Lafer presents the perfect frikadellen!

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Johann Lafer, the retired Sternekoch, presented his Frikadellen-Rezept a renewed Specialty, which was prepared in his kitchen.

During the first classroom changes and a harmonious wrestling walk, the hackfleisch balls ended up in a real communal situation. The safe Frikadellen, a cozy and interior work, are the result of Lafers Handwerk and their Leidenschaft for authentic Kochkunst. Using tips and tricks, you can buy the amount of soda in the genus of these species. Follow Sie Johann Lafer Schritt für Schritt und krreieren Sie Frikadellen, die in Erinnerung bleiben!

On an Instagram account @johann.lafer gewährt der Sternekoch nicht nur exciting Einblicke in sein handwerkliches Können, sondern lädt die Zuschauer auch dazu ein, seine culinary Philosophie zu entdecken. Here it is a leading company for the kitchen and vermittelt, which is the first class of the kitchen and the perfection of the Zubereitung.

Frikadellen: A Classic of the German Hausmannskost

Frikadellen, even if they are the Buletten or Fleisch-küchle, have had a long history, which is very clear in ancient times. Damals would have Fleischreste and other Zutaten in kleine Bällchen zubereitet, um the Geschmack zu intensen and Haltbarkeit zu gewährleisten. In Germany, faith and a classroom of Hausmannskost are over. There are several regions that appear in the Zubereitungen: In Norddeutschland were often used with Brötchen or Haferflocken angereichert, während in Zuid-Gewürze wie Majoran and Zwiebeln häufig were used. Traditionally, frikadellen were fried in the pfanne, served in a delicious, golden brown crust. There has never been a symbol for German Kochkunst, but it has a strong meaning for tradition and family tradition and it is a great belief.

STARCOOK is the network for Köche & Köchinnen & Food-Influencer, more than 120 Food-Talents with machines at the Mittlerweile. More information about the network can be found on the website