
After a closed conversation: Kickl umwirbt ÖVP more

After a closed conversation: Kickl umwirbt ÖVP more

“Unsere Hand bleibt ausgestreckt”, says that I have held a press conference and laid the steps on the Vortag vorgelegten for the Schnittmenging with the ÖVP concretes. Nehammer is in charge of the Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen in the broadcast of a management agency with the blue under Kickl erneut geschlossen.

No more criticism, it is a “policy” Nehammer diesel that uses “Wahlkampfrhetorik” for the Wahl. The text for the unlimited operation after pronouncing the instructions of the ÖVP chiefs is that they can be written, just like the FPÖ chief. “Man hat das Gefühl, dass jemand versucht, de Sack schnell zumachen zu wollen”, must Kickl, who can buy other Koalitions variants.

Ganz started a war with Nehammer with Kickl aber nicht, “son of eengewisse kunst en weise sehr erhellend”. Personal attention during a directing experience cannot play a role, concrete of the FPÖ Chef, of his light professionalism for a professional directing. If there is a “further choice, one of the gewisse entkrampfung herbeizuführen” is a problem. You can say the following: “The FPÖ won, the ÖVP lost.”

Kickl concrete inhaltliche Schnittmengen

Dennoch receives part of the inhalation from Schnittmenging with the ÖVP, concrete Kickl. When you take on this task, you go to the FPÖ-Obmann who has given the ÖVP and the superzeugen, who are in the same direction as to Ibiza-Skandal “gut für Österreich”. Both protagonists of the Turkish blue Koalition, ex-kanzler Sebastian Kurz and the blue Vize Heinz-Christian Strache, are now “away”.

For social communication, the FPÖ is a “common low business” and a cash flow desired. On the other side of the line, you establish the European Economic Space, which comes from the underlying layers, inhaltliche Gemeinsamkeiten with ÖVP concrete and sollen. This is a postponed budget leading to the end of the legislative period, so that the costs in the social system are compensated and the evaluation of the Bildungskarenz is carried out.

If we go further, the FPÖ paper has been found that the Absage is a new policy, a “Entbürokratisierungsoffensive” and a Schwerpunktsetzung at Thema leistbarer Wohnraum. “These maßnahmen Stellen Keinen Anspruch auf vollständigkeit dar, without bilden das angebot for a race übereinkunft as a sofortimpuls for sicherung the conversations Stag Vorlegen Wollten.

“Our sales team is ready”

If there is a Fahrplan voor sondierungsgespräche that the FPÖ can use, this could be a problem. This is one of the most important themes of Themenblöcke, von Wirtschaft über Asyl bis Gesundheit. The war starts on October 22 and ends on November 14. “Our sales team is ready to help you in these sales,” said Kickl, proud of the secure conversations.

Continuing the ongoing conversation is Nehammer, a message from the FPÖ Chief, aber: “Something went wrong. Nothing went wrong.” The ÖVP chef has made an attack, but it is an inhalation of the dishes that Kickl needs. “We are not here prepared for Verantwortung? We are not moving here not? It is Karl Nehammer, not ich”, so Kickl. If no one leaves, it will be a new direction.

There is a mountaineering view of the Kickl on Lager. While the Bergsteigen have their Zweckgemeinschaften in a camaraderie, it can be a friendly endeavor. So it will be better if the FPÖ is strong, Kickl makes it clear: “Opposition can also assert itself.”

“Leading and decisive”

The Abfuhrer founded the ÖVP-Generalsekretär Christian Stocker. “FPÖ chief Herbert Kickl has lost his way, becoming a Bundeskanzler, acting wisely and duchschaubar,” he wrote in one of the following cases. The FPÖ chief himself is an indispensable example of a great statement, it is a directing organization with the FPÖ now that it is a Chancellor – “that is not the case with the People’s Party”. Kickl said “a Spaltpilz, not a Brückenbauer or Kanzlercandidate”, so Stocker.


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