
Darum is in the new “Polizeiruf 110”

Darum is in the new “Polizeiruf 110”

The Tod eener Studentin is in the Mittelpunkt of the new “Polizeiruf 110”-Krimis aus Brandenburg. Sara studied at one of the colleges for secondary education in Eberswalde. If your Masterarbeit investigates the Schiffsverkehr on the canal. Genau could make the young woman a treasure. A Beziehungstat? Schließlich hat ich von ihrem Freund – en WG-Mitbewohner – Daniel Beck (Dominikus Weileder) gets.

Komplexe Geschichte und Illegal Machenschaften

The Ermittlungen in the autumnführen are the Kommissare of the German Polnian Teams directly in the Harbor of Eberswalde. Make sure you have a suspect or a Swiss. The Mann is a matter of conversation – ausgerechnet sein Bruder war der Professor der Toten. The Crimean “Wasserwege” is on Sunday, October 13, at 8:15 PM in the ARD, which is a complex network of illegal forces.

The Commissioner Vincent Ross (André Kaczmarczyk) and Karl Rogov (Frank Leo Schröder) ended up in Sara’s Hochschul-Umfeld and in the Kanu-Club. Denn dort fand am Vorabend a Party of Professor Milan Günschow (Robert Kuchenbuch) statt. Der hatte mit seinen Studentinnen en Studenten Geburtstag gefeiert. Sara war dabei – nun ist sie tot.

Rätselhaftes Tatmotiv

“Für Schiffezählen wird man nicht umbracht”, Ross notes. When investigating her Masterarbeit, Sara must have a Geschäfte aufgedeckt haben. Otherwise the Kommissare would not understand das Verbrechen and the young woman. Günschow’s Bruder Peter (Wanja Mues) is very deserving.

Gemeinsam mit der Wasserschutzpolizistin Gunde Johannsen (Petra van de Voort) versuchen Ross und Rogov, die Tat zu reconstructen. If you are interested in being Schubschiff, you can use the Schiffshebe work as a passion. The Besatzung of the Binnenschiffs – the Schwestern Lena (Jana Julia Roth) and Isabelle Thiele (Sophie Pfennigstorf) are together a Helfer – who deals with hiding woolens. In the Tatnacht woolen you see that nothing else stands out.

A region with moving history

The complizierten Ermittlungen führen nicht nur the Kommissare in the region a Eberswalde, under the TV-Publikum. The Drehbuchautoren Seraina Nyikos, Lucas Flasch, Mike Bäuml and Felix Karolus are, under the direction of Felix Karolus, a story from a region that has put their son in the spotlight.

“Eberswalde is a city im walking. After the hectic years of the nachwendezeit, the city is super interesting. Fast and symbolic performances of both great works,” said producer Frank Schmuck in the RBB interview. Bewahrenswertes were erhalten in der Stadt, Neues Zugelassen. “Eberswalde is more like Nur Kulisse. That city is sweet with its historical and social cultural backgrounds, the ideal space for our history.”