
Salem: Freie Bahn for the Seeforelle? There may be a Treppe vorwärts

Salem: Freie Bahn for the Seeforelle? There may be a Treppe vorwärts

A schnecken-shaped cascading of 13 rivers at 37 meters: So the Anlage and the Salemer Aach in the Ortskern of Mimmenhausen go out, the fish are a little lighter. Andre von Holten von der Bauverwaltung erklärte in der jüngsten Gemeindratssitzung: “Mit der Maßnahme soll das angestrebte Ziel der ganzjährigen Durchwanderbarkeit des Gewässers durch Wasserlebewesen erreicht and whoder a good ökologischer Zustand of Salemer Aach were restored.” Who von Holten concreted, sei die Umsetzung bis zum Jahr 2027 laut europäischer Wasserrahmenrichtlinie Pflicht.

85 Prozent Förderung vom Land

Jürgen Rapp is a designer of beautiful planning offices, who somehow notices the best Zahl der Fischarten, one of the Laichplätzen he comes. These costs are relatively low, weshalb das Land 85 Prozent Förderung gewähre, sofern de Gemeinde einspringe. “The remaining 15 pieces could be removed from the surface,” according to the planer. The calculation costs the project in the Salemer Aach 480,000 euros, while the community has earned 70,000 euros. Citizen Meister Manfred Härle erklärte auf Bitte von Ulrich Stegmann (FDP) de Kalkulation mit Ökopunkten: „Jeden Eingriff in de Natur müssen wir ökological ausgleichen.“ The kontoguthaben can man for other Vorhaben in the Gemeinde einsetzen.

Image 1: Freie Bahn for the Seeforelle? There may be a Treppe vorwärts

Image: Schönlein, Ute

Fishing through 13 small rivers

The weight of a technical Schlitzpasses bezeichnete Rapp as “etwas ungewöhnlich”, aber alternatives. As one of the most common reasons that Abbau de Wehrmacht is the best, everything is nachrutsche. A sogenannte raue Rampe with the mangelnden Hochwassersicherheit be acquired. “A concrete solution could perform a technical function, while people would expect high construction costs and a high substructure product,” the planer said. Nun became a man 13 single Becken with a high degree of jewel of Zentimetern-legen. “Für den Fisch is unerheblich, ob er im Ringel rumschwimmt – there braucht halt Ruhebecken”, commented Rapp that schneckenformige Anordnung der kleine Becken op een Gesamtlänge von 37 Metern.

It could be interesting

Lake Constance

There is one of the young fishermen on Lake Constance: Who else can enjoy it?

At the age of 35, Urs Riebel has become the most German German.

Mayor Manfred Härle said that he said with the rauen Rampegericht: “The steckt ganz schön fell Know-how drink”, your teilte is the new release. „It is war outside the declaration Wille, but in this case a ökological Aufwertung zu erreichen.“

The best quality that hinders fishing on the Wandern is that we will have an upward movement.

The best quality that hinders fishing on the Wandern is that we will have an upward movement. | Image: Miriam Altmann

Adolf Eblen (CDU) speaks about the best performance and: “Wäre es möglich gewesen, auch die Turbine zu erhalten? Investment costs anstehen.“ If you activate the financial provision in this way, the economics of Kleinanlagen will sink.

Bauwerk works at Hochwasser meer Sicherheit

Except for the Eblens fragment after the high wasserische concrete rapp, that man is a Verbesserung erziele: The new Wehr is a knitter, the müsse has never been arranged by hand again. And now that the Mittelwasser flies over the Fischtreppe, bleibe Hochwasser in Gewässer. Petra Herter (CDU) hinted at the environment of society: “I find it more exciting who comes to the Ökopunkten”, who is more interested in the experiences of nature. Once you have started, you can use the concrete blocks to take off and load the Seeforelle. “It is a machine that functions very well for the Fachwelt and Concrete functions for the fish.”

Handlongbedarf and both Mühlen

If you use the planer, it is best to cut the hand lungs and both muhlen in the Bachlauf. Von Holten said that the Landratsamt made all the reports in the Blick: “If it is not voluntary to come to power, it will be an anordnungen geben.”

It could be interesting


„Chance, there is something new in the sea“: A clear explanation, where Bodenseefischer courts could be found

Alexander Brinker is professor of fish science and aquaculture. There is the Fischereiforschungsstelle in Langenargen.

Henriette Fiedler (FWV) highlighted Kassen’s cost-utility attack: “I think the country in Zukunft can lead. I think it is so important, that man’s child’s gut is regretted.” Arnim Eglauer (SPD) wondered how it was possible Haltung: “It was of course Aussehendes where mir also lieber, aber ich sehe other Möglichkeit, the Lebensraum der Fische zu erhalten .“ Ulrike Lenski (GoL) encourages this: “It is an elementary bedeutung, the Ökosystem with the bedeutung zuzuführen.” The Gemeinderat incentive is released for the Vorhaben.