
Research by DNA: Warum ein Gentest Ihnen nichts verrät, besides others everything

Research by DNA: Warum ein Gentest Ihnen nichts verrät, besides others everything

Now it is with the Abstammung leader fuller Unsinn, says Martin Moder, Molekularbiologe from Wien and Mitglied der Wissenschaftskabarett-Gruppe Sciences Busters: “Man cannot directly nachschauen in the DNA, we die in the Vergangenheit spazierengegangen ist, another man can do more nur schauen, in Welchen Regionen der Welt, beste Genevarianten wie häufig forkommen.” One of the basic data and special information of other people is not related or not.

Elf Prozent Italian can be used, if it is in the Verwandtschaftsgeschichte, there is a Rolle spielt hat, on the Apennines-Halbinsel gebt hat. This is not the case. A very unknown cultural question is no longer so good. Ohnehin is a kind of identity that is identical. Tests need to be run that are now being analyzed, which means they are no longer separated, so moder. “And the machine can now no longer contain any information in this 0.1 percent.”

People now separate themselves into a winning Teil Ihres Erbguts

The most important thing is that you have peace, so maybe it is a whole branch that has a hat. If you are busy with all things on the Internet, you can have an indefinite or a long life: Money is not the separated laundry and the softest not the own product. Sondern in dem Fall die intimsten Daten, de man als Mensch so besitzt. Für Datenschützerinnen en -schützer ist DNA-Ahnenforschung deshalb ein rotes Tuch. Zum Beispiel für Rainer Mühlhoff, Professor of the Ethics of Cultural Intelligence at the University of Osnabrück: “Man is a self-conscious person, that man is a victim of DNA-Data and a relationship between the two relationships, and a clear relationship between them .”

Eine Entscheidung für seinen gesamten Verwandtenkreis.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Mühlhoff
Uni Osnabrück

The data protection authorities – in the European Union which are no longer lapidary – no longer become anonymous in the analysis of anonymity, even if we go further. If you have had a suspicion for a year, it is a fact that a DNA is possible, through which a person can identify himself. The problem lies in the larger package, says Mühlhoff: “If people in a society have preisgeben in their DNA, then a man can create happiness, that people in the best regions or in the best population groups or with the best lifestyles or living environments have a high risk a better health to live in.” Because it is an analytical analysis, “the data protection data are also peculiar spicy, the man going over his schätzt and then a night in front of his image”.

DNA data on Forschungszwecken do not exist from a Wissenschaft

Gerade das Interesse von Versicherungsunternehmen und Arbeitgebern an solchen Daten sehr groß. If it is useful to be fragmented, a verwendung or dating of the Forschungszwecken will go together with the gilding of a part of the company, die risk bewertungen for versicherungen or Arbeitgeber-stellen. It is a discrimination by DNA, says Mühlhoff. Rund esteemed Prozent der Nutzenden würden een derartigen Verwendung sister, said one of the great Offerers. Bei der Konkurrenz vermutet Mühlhoff een ähnliche Quotation. And if the dating is geschützt at a certain point, it is not the case that it is so: Gegen Datenlecks, the total regime or the light path-oriented approach to the Criminal Follow-up – a theme for everything in the US – is not Security.

And then again the Auswertungsverfahren, the intelligent intelligence will continue to improve. Mühlhoff now sees the eigenvalue as a sinful solution: “This technical solution of the AI ​​is so bad that it is inherently not of the technical state of the art that can be used, while the imagination schweifen lassen müssen.” There is no fantasy that comes from a DNA analysis with social media data or tracking information from other internet services. Das Diskriminierungspotenzial scheint unerschöpflich: “The heißt, in which Risikogruppen man can be sorted, an unterschiedlich zu treatmentsn, an unterschiedliche Conditions and Preise für Versicherungen anzubites, an at Job-Auswahlprozessen unterschiedlich sentences and so on.”

DNA-Ahnenforschung: Aktuelle Datenschutz Regelungen nicht ausreichend

Since data protection regulations did not apply, the decision had been removed from the DNA data, Rainer Mühlhoff said. Stichwort: Verwandtschaft, die first gar nicht gefragt. If this is a small certainty, the maßnahmen work in the Zukunft-schützen.

Nun witziger Partygag oder nicht: Sicher gibt is Fälle, met finnisch DNA-Abgleich Verwandtschaft in Übersee oder sonst die gegen die Welden. Nun, auch dieses Szenario sollte wohlüberlegt sein, weil man manche Dinge fellleicht auch gar nicht kosten. If now your own interest has arisen – the Antwort effect is a test here, it costs costs and it will be expanded and intervened:

100 Prozent Abstammung vom African continent.

So who stops all the people.