
We were happy in the Nienburg district

Nienburg district. Es wird schaurig: Am 31. October is Halloween! The party in the US lasts a long time in the Nienburg district. Associations, Clubs, Associations and Private Persons offer Events with Grusel-Faktor an.

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We will have Halloween decorations in and around Nienburg in the future:

Halloween parties

Clubs and gatherings at parties:

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30. October:

  • Steimbke, WaldbadStart 6 p.m., free time, reservation under (05026)9026600 or via the Instagram account of Pizzeria Roma. These were walked “in a pleasant way”, the stay could be enjoyed and “an unparalleled Halloween night”.
  • Sulingen, NightworkStart at 10 p.m.: “Halloween-Mittwoch”, dazu wen die Betreiber: “Wir were eure Körper furtherben and in eure Seele endrings. After that night had started making an appointment and would be immersed in a few cups.“ It is one of the last parties in the night work, after which the discotheque continues its entire year. The Eintritt concerns 10 Euro. Were seduced or painted comes, erhält Rabatte.

31. October:

  • Hibben near Stolzenau, Zum Hibbener EuterStart 8 p.m., Abendkasse: with a free ticket, approximately 20 euros.
  • Minden, box: from 22 Uhr, „Halloween-Kultparty 2024″, met Verkleidung gibt’s bis 23 Uhr zwei Freigetränke. Einlass from 16, Eintritt 8 Euro.

November 2:

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  • Life Music Park, Ströhen: Der Club in Wagenfeld-Ströhen starts on November 2 with a nighttime Halloween party. Einlass is from 10 PM.

Höfener Halloween-Frauen Unterwegs

Since 20 years, the women in the gardens at Halloween are in their own home. If your precious time is spent on the Frauen immer slagig Mühe – purchase kann yes youde(r). In Diesem Jahr since sie am 2. November from 9 Uhr belowwegs.

Auch der Höfener Heinrich-Wilhelm Schröder publishes a Halloween frauen.

Auch der Höfener Heinrich-Wilhelm Schröder publishes a Halloween frauen.

Watch how the woman and the woman start the tag: Auf Hof Frien finds the adventsausstellung statt. The action is no longer possible: the woman who has money for the intestines, that Mal for the maroden Spielplatz on the Höfener Dörpshus.

Halloween for children and teenagers

A changeling has ventured especially for children and young people:

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  • Sulingen, Night work: The Club is open from October 30 from 2 to 6 p.m. for Children’s Halloween. This party is for children up to 15 years old. There is a „einzigartige Grusel-Location“, teilt das Nachtwerk with.
  • Hibben near Stolzenau: Thats “Hibbener Euter” Monday 30 October from 3 to 6 pm for “Happy Halloween Children’s Disco”. There is tanzt, make-up, basstelt and play. Tränke and pommes are given. The Eintritt concerns 2 Euro.
  • Lichtenhorst, Reitschule: “Halloween with Pferden” takes place on October 31 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Reitschule in Lichtenhorst statt. “Come in the Gruselkostüm and grind with our Ponys, the Stockbrot and Marshmallows in the Lagerfeuer and finally an Ausritt in the Dämmerung machine,” wrote the Veranstalter.
  • Strohen, Life Musikpark: The Disco in Wagenfeld-Ströhen is celebrated on November 2 with “Teenage Halloween”. Loaded since all Swiss 10 and 15 years. At 4.30 pm Geht’s release.

Gruselige Gärten Angucken

One of the Ecke Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße/Niedersachsenring in Leese gruselt is more visible: Matthias Ludwig and Sabrina Müller walk in the garden in a shabby Halloween costume. Nor since all Gräber, Skelette and Dämonen are available until October 31st. Schon jetzt ist erkennbar: Vorbeifahren and anhalten lohnt sich in diesem Jahr!

Check out Janet Schendel on Halloween-Fieber? The Instagram account of “Frau Silberfisch” was so shocked when the Oylerin did not lose everything. In the nursery, make sure you experience bigger decor and bigger and smaller Halloween fans.

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Halloween in the Sauna

Das Wesavi in ​​​​Nienburg will hold the Gruselfest a week: Dort findet am Freitag, 8. November, a Sauna Night under the motto “Happy Halloween” statt. The Halloween party starts at 6 p.m., and textile-free swimming in Relaxbecken is possible from 9:15 p.m.

It is normal for this to be a normal e-registration. You can do this during a theme buffet, pre-order until November 3 under (05021) 9053460.

Halloween events in the Moor

The Moorbahn Uchter Moor starts on October 31st as Halloween special events. Eingefleischte Fans have been busy for a few years and are cost-effective. In these years they live under the motto “Moor & More – Mooras letzte Stunde”.

Die Fahrt dauert from 5.30 pm to 9 pm. Registration is possible by telephone (05777)961385 or an online form, a man can register spontaneously.

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Here is the Kürbisse

A Kürbis with Grusel-Fratze goes to Halloween and goes beyond more Haustüren in Landkreis Nienburg. In the Hofläden der Regio it becomes bigger and smaller. Example, in that regard or other motifs welding schnitzen.

The large Kürbisscheune of the region is located in the Swiss Nienburg and Steinhuder Meer in Hagenburg, Altenhäger Straße 93. Tag from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. is geöffnet, the Kürbisse stacks up on the street from the Scheune. Am Wochenende können Kinder Kürbisse for Ort schnitzen.