
Test: Takamine GY11MENS, acoustic guitar with tone attachment

Test: Takamine GY11MENS, acoustic guitar with tone attachment

Bigger Sound for small money

October 13, 2024

The Takamine GY11MENS - an acoustic guitar with sound box in the test

Test: Takamine GY11MENS, acoustic guitar with tone attachment

The Takamine GY11MENS is an acoustic guitar with a body system, with the Takamine having the credibility of “All Mahogany”-reihe, a smaller Korpusgröße New Yorker ergänzt. Who plays the guitar in our practice test and how he plays goes through here!

Takamine GY11MENS – Unboxing the acoustic guitar

If the card no longer existed for most guitarists, I wasn’t sure. When writing a takamine it is not possible that it is an acoustic guitar that is traded. And bingo, in a white card with a single instruction is my little representation of the Takamine GY11MENS.

Had I been brought up first, nor before the guitar of my wrist foil was used, is the small corps with the right schmalen Schultern, which has appeared as a kind of ‘New Yorker’ corpsform. Optically the guitar is set for separation and is fitted with a Schalloch-Rosette with conzentric circles in Black-White and a natural look. When the binding is shown, the edge of the carcase is decorated in Black-Weiß content. Simple and effective, who is a fan of these Looks finde!

The Takamine GY11MENS is a straight New York Korpusform with schmalten Schultern

If the next one follows a smaller story, it is not such a good story: Getäuscht from the small corpus form, it is a first niece erwartet, that is the guitar in the plucking of gas. If man will surely do that, he certainly can do that! All the power of the power is one of the most important results you can achieve and implement directly.

In no time it can happen that a lobe falls from the sky. The Bundkanten are sauber and smooth workmanship, soft drinks themselves are made along the guitar neck with the Handfläche no störenden Kanten bemerkbarbar machen. Even if you live abroad, you will be able to work well, and you will always be able to use blades in the 20 countries that are easy to work with. That first end of the ride event is at the mechanical fort, the party and a game that leads to a sandwich. It’s a party and a game that works and works well.

Insgesamt power the guitar a tollen ersten Eindruck! Werfen will click once on the Facts zum Instrument.

Facts and specifications for Takamine GY11MENS

The Takamine GY11MENS is a New York corps with Boden and Zargen from Sapele. The guitar comes in Natural-Satin-Finsh and covers a human of 644 mm. On the Decke, the fall of the Sapele is discovered by the Pin-Steg from the Indian Lorbeer. The Mahagoni Neck with Griffbrett from the Indian Loorbeer hat 20 Bünde and a Sattelbreite of 42.5 mm. Schließlich take care of the chrome mechanisms for the puny Stimmstabilität.

The Takamine GY11MENS is suitable for Sapele and Mahagoni-Neck soil.

Our Verstarkung is the Takamine TP-4T Tonabnehmer system, which is a 3-band EQ with sound control and an integrated stimulation paint. The click input of the acoustic guitar is integrated into the underlying Gurtpin.

I don’t love the guitar nor an allen key with the installation of the collars. The UVP for the Takamine GY11MENS is Euro 429, the retail price is Euro 349 high.

Praxistest: Bespielbarkeit und Werksellung der Akustikgitarre

We continue with the Takamine GY11MENS with the hands-on test: This is a great playing probe and sound box that is absolutely worth the guitar. The smaller New Yorker carcase shape is for my older arm, my right arm is a problem here with longer Strumming Parts, it may be that the carcass side is a problem, which is what it is to become larger carcass shapes of the fall.

The Takamine GY11MENS has a beautiful design with chrome mechanism and a Griffbrett made of Indian Laurel

Auch der Hals is a wonderful game and it was a smaller Sattelbreite of 42.5 mm that comes with the Openchords in an old soft tone. The work comes with a test instrument with a tested neck and a different surface for playing. For everything, it is a matter of woolen erasing, has a natural single nachgemessen: Die tiefe E-Saite mistt am 12. Bund 2.5 mm Abstand, the high E-Saite 2 mm. For an acoustic guitar, everything is the same, whatever it is. So if you have barre chord in the high and low layers, it is a schmerzhaft.

Ebenfalls that ensure the handling are of course the stimulation stability. Here you can use the Chrome mechanism a lot better and immerse the guitar in the sound, for example with the strumming or the bluesy bends that the guitar brings out of the movement. An asset in dealing with money is the mirror for the positioning and forward direction of the Gurtpins in front. Dieser ist am Ende des Halses brought and stört mich nicht bij Spielen. In general, the man is in a few spots here, playing the Gurtes upside down when playing with unrestricted movement. Here’s how man can enjoy everything!

The sounds of the Takamine GY11MENS in the practical test

Kommen met nun zur wichtigsten Frage in unserem Akustikgitarrentest: Who sounds the Takamine GY11MENS? During the test with the guitar in front of the microphone, it is used with this Austrian audio CC8 in X/Y configuration at a distance of approx. 25 cm, which is located on the Hals and Korpus mountain corridor.

Play with the guitar, a guitar figure and love a guitar and its warm sound. The Mittenrangeich is a light überbeton, where the edge of the frequency spectrums is little absent. If you see a sound that stimulates the sound, it is wise to use Xtimmen, which is a bass range that is not aware and on the high platz for the distribution of the stimulation. Beim Spielen von Dezimen with the Plektrum power if you use the direct connection brand bar, which provides useful Rhythmus parts and the new Durchsetzungskraft.

The Takamine TP-4T tone system offers a 3-band EQ for stimulation

Schauen will also have a go at the Takamine GY11MENS with Finger-Picking response. Beim Spielen von Open-Voicings in Kombination mit de Finger-Picking-kracht als de Bassbereich is noticeable, it was not the definition of a fallen decision, a Läufe in Bass nor was more clear erkennbar zu machen. Beim Spielen von Dezimen trägt aber gerade the softer Bassbereich zu einem angenehm weichen and auswegen Gesamtsound bei, der mir zemlich gut gefällt. At some point the power of the guitar is one of the guitar figures, but it may be that the voices are a problem.

I found the next part of the sound tests, while the acoustic guitar responds to a strong point. Here you can play the best strum part with a continuous spot in the sizes 0.60 mm, 0.73 mm and 0.88 mm. Note that the power here is for everything, such as the Präsenz and the definition in the Bassbereich-verändern. My favorite here is the end of the Plektrum with the Stärke von 0.73 mm, that is the Bass range that is less well represented in the Gegensatz to 0.88 mm Plektrum definition. With finger-picking with Slaps or other percussive elements, the Takamine GY11MENS is a great figure. Here you need to know what to do, one of the best ways you can hear the percussive elements and spiel voices.

Let’s test it with a single Bauten Takamine TP-4TD preamp. If you have a straight neutral sound, it’s good to confirm the EQ settings and remain sterile. Of course, if you consider that this is not the case with an acoustic guitar for more euros, then it is a premium tone system with the credible Anthem from LR Baggs paint, with an acoustic guitar for less than 400 euros. There is a 3-Band EQ system that offers everything in terms of music and a slight boost in the bass and treble of the guitar, which is more German and warmer.

Takamine GY11MENS Soundtrack

All sound signals were recorded with the following signal cable:

Takamine GY11MENS -> Austrian Audio CC8 pair in XY configuration/DI -> Universal Audio Apollo Twin

There are no external EQs, compressors or other plug-ins for einsatz. When using the integrated Takamine TP-4TD Tonabnehmersystem, the EQ setting is flat and then with a slight boost in the bass and treble (Mid-Scoop).