
Europe’s largest solar recycling facility comes: A German Start-up construction site

Europe’s largest solar recycling facility comes: A German Start-up construction site

Silicon, Glass, Plastic, Aluminum and Silver: A Magdeburger Start-up-Unternehmen will transform the solar module into its component.

(BSW, Symbolbild)Silicon, Glass, Plastic, Aluminum and Silver: A Magdeburger Start-up-Unternehmen will transform the solar module into its component.

Auch Solar module does not stop forever. After 25 years it is progressive and a recycling module of the module is not that easy. A start-up entrepreneur will emerge from Magdeburg: it will become the largest European solar energy recycling organization.

In June I received the Magdeburger Solar Start-up Solar Materials Investor Fund in the amount of 12.2 million euros. With the money that will become the inzwische Anlage of the Unternehmens in Magdeburg, it will become a base in southern Germany. Solar Materials will not produce any PV modules, but ask the following question: Ausgediente Solar module is recycled.

The Verfahren is gestaltet sich actuell nor schwierig. Solar modules are able to create a high spirit lifespan of 25 years by covering flowy silicon bolts with plastic and glass. This description is clear and is a revision.

Silver from the solar modules can be recycled

The most commonly used solar modules were secured and removed, meaning the file components were no longer sorted and no longer needed after recycling. So take a look at the EU Directive on electronics and electronics, before: 80 Prozent der Gesamtmenge von PV-Modulen müssen were recycled. Once the standard portal is open, you can get a quote for the recycling of glass and aluminum from the solar modules. All the elements also contain silver in the modules – a precious material that cannot be recycled or profit-making. Allerdings Kracht Zilver nur 0.07 Prozent der Masse eines Photovoltaik-Moduls aus.

“The concern of the Silber is the economic kicker”, explains Solar-Materials-Geschäftsführer Fridolin Franke in conversation with the Standard. Provided silver can be used to recover 50 percent of the Rohstofferlöse in PV Recycling. Solar Materials has developed its own process with very clean designs of solar modules, but the Geschäftsführer Franke “mehrstufige Delaminierung” does not. Denn: “If the module is once finished in Bruchstücken, it will be quicker, the Silber will be perfect”, so Franke.

Solar Materials ensures that the waste disposal and recycling facilities of the Euro pro solar module are a profitable choice. What is happening is that the fall is not complete: “The relationship is not fully completed,” says Franke. It’s not like there’s something wrong and all you can do is test machines. When the year begins and ends, “it could become profitable”, then the Solar-Materials-Chef. “We know our quality materials, we will be happy with the quality of our materials and our costs will be borne daily.”

Laut der Tageszeitung Volksstimme soll das neue Werk in Magdeburg in April 2025 firmly signal. The smaller Anlage im Süden Deutschlands soll schon Ende 2024 in Betrieb gehen. Since 20 years have passed since the end of the year, 50 years of progress will be expected. Unternehmenschef Franke is vom Erfolg des eigens entwickelten Verfahrens überzeugt: “If both lines are in operation, the largest PV recycling standard in Europe will die, if there is no longer any question of an anlage from the hut zaubert.”