
Thomas-Mann-Klassiker – 100 Jahre „Der Zauberberg“ – With Hans Castorp by Davos – Reise

Thomas-Mann-Klassiker – 100 Jahre „Der Zauberberg“ – With Hans Castorp by Davos – Reise

Davos (dpa/tmn) – Since I was fourteen years old. You should always be present. With a glimpse of Zigarre in Mundwinkel I lie in the Kälte on the Balcony of Zimmer 307, in the end a washed-out Kurfürst Dimitri Romanow, in shape as Partner Coco Chanels, let’s look forward to seeing you again – that’s it.

Stubbornly, I will be a sanatorium guest in the 20th century. Jahrhundert, ohne krank zu sein. Also, whoever lived with Hans Castorp, protagonist in Thomas Mann’s epic “Der Zauberberg”, was born on November 20, 1924.

Castorp bezieht darin Zimmer 34, das im heutigen Berghotel Schatzalp does not exist. One night, Castorp started his liegekur on the balcony, near the cliff Kalte, a bit in a thick deck, who are jeden Patients – and heute jeden Hotelguest – prepared.

The era-Gesellschaftsroman took place in the Zeit for the Ersten Weltkrieg, in a real world entrückten Paralleluniverse in a Sanatorium in Davos – jenseits “von Danen da unten”. In the center of the unbridled engineer Hans Castorp from Hamburg, on the Krankenbesuch, there is a time with vetter Joachim Ziemsen about his work. There is a plant that lasts a few weeks. But by seinem Aufenthalt became Jahre.

It won’t be that long.

The ominous Tür zum Speisesaal

Is it wise to listen? There is an idea of ​​the “Zauberbergs”, bean pruchen two hotels, both of which are former sanatoriums, inspiration for Thomas Mann are: the mountain hotel Schatzalp, the director Paulo Bernardo with the Zigarre erased in the handshake, and the Waldhotel. If the Haus noch Waldsanatorium is here, the Frau des Literaturnobelpreisträgers, Katia, is treated by a Lungenspitzenkatarrh. 1912 designed by Thomas Mann in Dort.

If any of the following medications enable tuberculosis treatment, most of Sanatorien Davos’ hotels will walk around the area. Auch im Waldhotel tillgte man die meditense Vergangenheit bei a Rundumsanierung 1958. “Man were sich of the Tuberkulose-Image loose, also überdeckte man fast all historical Spuren,” said Director Marietta Zürcher. A contemporary sanatorium zimmer is one of the most purposeful, an Art Mini-Museum with meditative Gerät and “Blauem Heinrich”, a bag made of glass. Dann said that Zürcher was die Tür zum Speisesaal.

That you see “with a sense of security” Inspirations were given: In my book, Madame Chauchat, a beautiful lady “with a white sweater”, who is proud of their special appearance, we will see the difference in time – and we are concerned about the general environment, but also Hans’ Unmute , der später in de real Gefühle übergeht. “Vieles is fiktiv, aber die Tür ist zeemlich sicher,” says Zürcher.

Paulo Bernardo is the director of the “Berghotel Schatzalp”: ​​It was said that Tür zum Speisesaal, the Thomas Mann had received another Roman source of inspiration. (Photo: Stefan Weissenborn/dpa-tmn)

Auch Paulo Bernardo vom Schatzalp sees the wiederkehrende Romanszene clearly for Augen, if there is a hotel rundgang and the Schwelle zum Speisesaal haltmacht. Stadtistoriker Klaus Bergamin aber sagt, Mann has not found some details. “Nothing happened, you can tell a story about a world.” “Berghof” is the sanatorium fiktiv in Roman. A stelle is one of the things found in the Schatzalp lying Sanatorium.

Entrückte atmosphere

Während im Waldhotel de Meditatieschichte zu tourist Zwecken resuscitated, at the Berghotel sie. In 1899, the Sanatorium was founded by the Schatzalp-Bahn in high flight, when the Blätterne Jugendstilfassade des Heutigen Hotels was founded.

“Diese Ruhe, die spüren sie but auch?”, fragmented Ida Lohner, a former community worker in Davos, who I was very happy to meet. It’s true: the atmosphere at 1,900 meters is a little more valuable than Roman times and the “Danes da unten” white.

If the hotel guest is the best man, the patients can benefit throughout the year. The Brass Lamps, the Christmas Stands, the Terrazzo Bodies, were restored to their original appearance in the Speisesaal, said Director Bernardo. Dort, where we work – people who describe Mann, a new Medizintechnik – discovers that the “X-Ray Bar” with aperture bars is Walls, and the Mediziner is one of the photos.

The therapy becomes tuberculosis, the historian Bergamin of Manns Zeiten a verbreitete Volkskrankheit, war that Liegekur in Freien is, of the patient for more beautiful verdonnert wurde. If you feel like the “Solarium”, you can enjoy privately on the Zimmer balcony or in front of the Gebäude. “Here is located in Reih and Glied,” says Ida Lohner and deutet on the Schneefläche in front of the impressive Gebäude, where patients of Rattanliegen Sonnenbäder nahmen, get Vitamin D as their own medicine.

High altitude for Heilung

The war between Mannheimer Mediziner Alexander Spengler, the high climate on the Heilung at 19 years. Jahrhundert empfahl. “The Davoser Luft is better than others,” said Bergamin. Also Emperor Wilhelm II. hörte vom Luxussanatorium with electrical Light and Fußbodenheizung auf the Schatzalp. There is nothing left in the room with larger badewannen, between 1905 and 1918 with a reserve reservation. An einweisung is not notorious.

The imperial winnowings have never been better, but the dunklen demands are a little higher in life, we will have the “kalten Abreisen”stattfanden. Verstarb ein Patient, wurde der Sarg with them Aufzug zum Hinterausgang before, in Winter the Kisten with the Toten auf offenen Bob-Schlitten were brought away. Holzschlitten may be used and the hotel’s own Schlittelbahn in different sauces.

In Roman Jumps Hans Castorp dem Kaltetod von der Schippe, if in a Schneesturm, in a Welt, the “den Besucher auf eigene Rechnung und Gefahr” empfing. It really is true, feel free to ski in the region, feel free to wait at minus 20 degrees.

Blätterne Jugendstilfassade des „Berghotel Schatzalp“: „With a living Museum, we will have a woolen tie there“, said director Paulo Bernardo. (Photo: Stefan Weissenborn/dpa-tmn)

When I beat the Däscher-treffe with Skilehrer, the Sonne and the mountain panorama on the Weissfluhjoch (2,693 meters) shine in 360 degrees. Däscher hat signals Skistock hoben. Irgendwort in der eeninst noch unberührten Hochgebirgswelt verirrte sich der Romanheld en fand schließlich am „Brähmenbühl“ zurück ins Dorf. The Brämabüel mountain (2,492 m) is also worth visiting the Jakobshorn Ski Area.

This is the Wasserfall

Thomas Mann has landscapes of the concrete. Gemeinsam with Nebenbuhler and Lebemann Mister Peeperkorn and the Gesinnungs-Kontrahenten Settembrini and Naphta wander Castorp in Flüelatal to a Wasserfall. I have been sucked into Tal Loipen in the winter, but I still enjoy the Latten. About 10.6 kilometers of the Rundroute from Davos entlang des Flüelabaches, über Hügel, vorbei an Chalets with dicken Schneekissen auf dem Dach. Der Bach gluckert. The Wasserfall doesn’t find anything, but go to Google Maps.

A walk with Mann-Bezug, wahlweise with Schneeschuhen in winter, is one of the many Schatzalpweges, 2.4 kilometers from both hotels. “Der Autor ist zur eigenen Ertüchtigung gelaufen”, says Historiker Bergamin. “Heute heißt there Thomas-Mann-Weg.”

One of the mountain stations of the Schatzalp-Bahn is close to the snow route along the “Wasserfall Rundgang”, which is the route along the route. In a displaced Tannenwald I set the first traces of the Tages in the Schnee, clear paths hang shining and meter thick snow waves.

A light on the “Wasserfall Rundgang” releases the gegenüberliegenden Berge: A Blick, who hated Thomas Mann, is wandering around on the Schatzalp and sees his Roman final settlement. (Photo: Stefan Weissenborn/dpa-tmn)

A panorama on the mountain is a source of light. One of the Holzbanken, which sits on a white background, is a Shield: Thomas-Mann-Platz. Vielleicht thought that the Scripture writer was a diesen Ort, like a Roman Castorp and his fatter Joachim oberhalb of Davos on a bench taking a longer break. The morning spa session begins with the first part of the human and leisure settembrini.

Stöbern in alten Gästebüchern

A Schlüsselszene, die zur finite Entzweiung von Naphta und Settembrini und der Abmachung zum Pistolenduell führt, played in nahen Monstein. Castorp and Seine Begleiter are ideally located for ski tours to Bergdorf in Pferdeschlitten, near the post bus.

Das Hotel Ducan serves Mann as the “Kurhaus”, woman in the book of the Kaffee and Birnenbrot – a Fremdenzimmer, who is described, she is a gift. Dass sein Haus, in form like Curhaus Monstein, in “Der Zauberberg”, Director Benjamin Schibli appears to be unbeknown to me. Gemeinsam durchforsten will receive other guests with the title “Thomas Mann”. Vergeblich, das Archiv early 1913.

It had never been like this before: in 2001, the Monsteiner Brauerei had disappeared into another Sennerei, two free offenders of being Stammtisch. Once it’s done, Lebemann Peeperkorn is definitely worth it. There is no mention of Roman gin and veltliner wine. Serves are probably intended for the Mediziner Spengler – for your tuberculosis therapy.

Anyone who describes another slander receives trademark criticism. Jemand, der nicht rauche, said Hans zu Joachim, bring himself “to the best of life (sic!) Teil and jedenfalls um all eminentes Vergnügen!”

Hans Castorp, tragic protagonist in “Der Zauberberg”, is a fan of Zigarren. Excited hotel guests can purchase the Marke from the Humidor and the Hotel Bar. (Photo: Stefan Weissenborn/dpa-tmn)

On my south balcony on the other side of Liège it has been a while since Zigarre has been around, tomorrow it will be Abreise. If you press the mountainside, it will be 100 years ago. If there were never any more screeching screeches from the squeaking Pistenraupen in the Ruhe stören.

Links, tips, practical matters:

Travel time: Davos in Canton Graubünden is a Ganzjahresziel, the ski lift is open from Mid-November to April.

Travel: with the Nachtzug (Nightjet der ÖBB) to Zürich, then with Hans Castorp by train to Davos-Platz (SBB).

Einreise: Es genügt der Personalausweis.

Description: I am “Berghotel Schatzalp”, the hotel hotel offers the “Waldhotel” or the “Hotel Ducan”. Das Angebot und Unterkünften in Davos are riesig.

Activities: The Ski Area Schatzalp-Strela has extensive slopes, which are ideal for leisure activities. Winter sports activities offer more fun. The Magic Mountain Jubiläum is due 2025 in Feierlichkeiten zum 150. Geburtstag von Thomas Mann über. Nostalgic Kutschfahrten über die Kutschen-Zentrale Davos. Währung: Ein Schweizer Franken entspricht 1.07 Euro (Standing: 07.10.2024)Weitere Auskünfte:

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