
The latest kitchen and kitchen trends for 2025

The latest kitchen and kitchen trends for 2025

With Miele-Küchengeräten setzt Nenad Mlinarevic kulinarische Akzente auf höchstem Niveau.

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The Year 2025 stands for the Tür. What Küchentrends do you see in your coming year?

Nenad Mlinarevic: For my passions, the big trends are no longer in the kitchen or in kitchen technology, it is all a bed of the guests. Gefragt ist gutes, nicht zu kompliziertes Essen in lockerer Atmosphäre. After the Gemüseküche war bis for Kurzem ein Trend, which itself is the longest festival in the Gastronomie establishment. For my regional products, which produce a very friendly production, ganz oben auf der Liste.

Was it a problem for your company in Essen?

One of the things that Essen is for my beispiel is a Toast. Die verschiedenen possibileiten, een Toast-zuzubereiten, on vegetarian or with Fleisch, las Raum for Kreativität, can no longer be a little and uncomplicated in the Zubereitung. If you want to eat, you can eat a good snack and make a man delicious food and cutlery.

Would you like to have fun with yourself in a restaurant?

Hochwertiger Fast Food is on trend at Corona. Die Gäste möchten schnell, aber gut essen. Gemeint is not the Standard Burger of the Imbissbude, including a Beispiel and a Sandwich with fresh Gruyère Cheese, home-made truffle mayonnaise and organic rindfleisch from the region. Enjoy a burger with wagyu beef and caramelised zwiebels. Quality at a good price. There are some simple, simple and versatile Essen. A beautiful Beispiel is «al paso» in Zürcher Niederdorf. A small, personal Take Away, with your choice of Supper, Salad or Sandwiches, it is always nice, fresh, regional and seasonal.

Was it possible to eat in your own kitchen, while your appetite for fast food was wasted?

Enjoy your fried chicken. A delicious night in buttermilk is a frittier, a spicy mayonnaise and a delicious meal with «Fast Food».

Take a look at Nenad Mlinarevic with Inspiration for travel or from Kochbüchern.

Take a look at Nenad Mlinarevic with Inspiration for travel or from Kochbüchern.


Who is the trend fermentation?

The fermentation has a definitively high temperature and a number of other characteristics in the kitchen, a role that is played, aber the big hype has always been. Jetzt is a challenge, a new and innovative way to find traditional techniques to connect the guests’ beds. There are many things that are authentic, but are not as good as historical experiences.

Was the service provided to your guests authentic and over-delivered when they did?

It could be that your Prinzip is targeted in some way. What is this, it is a special and overloaded case. Zum Beispiel ein Salat with oil from sitting leaves or a whole meal of Gewürz. If you asked a question, the man knows that nothing happened and was not resolved. Fast devices need a turn and a little upward turn.

How is it possible that the man is an overloaded issue?

Lustigerweise at Schloss Schauenstein, as far as her equipment is concerned. When the war is in disarray, the war in Essen becomes more and more important – refined and bigger and bigger. Combinations that are versatile, with a certain weight, a texture or a temperature, make the whole thing exciting.

Were or were you inspired?

If Basketball is played, the war belongs to Michael Jordan, who can do anything and still plays in the war, if he is pulled. Signal Fleiss and signal Ehrgeiz were fascinating. Beim Kochen was in meiner Anfangszeit Köche wie Sergio Hermann from the Netherlands or René Redzepi vom Noma in Copenhagen. Here is my own Inspiration from travel or from Kochbüchern. Auch my friends Fiona Hefti inspired me. It is a good and leading cuisine. If you want to work together a few times, try out new products and creations and choose from different things.

Welche Miele-Geräte nutzen Sie in Ihrer Küche and haben Sie einen Favoriten?

As a Koch, the Miele Steam Backofen is a highlight in Meiner Küche. There is an unclear choice and ideal for everything, it was a safe choice: Gemüse, Fleisch, Fish, for a French toast or for desserts.

The Miele steam ovens are Nenad Mlinarevic's favorite in the kitchen.

The Miele steam ovens are Nenad Mlinarevic’s favorite in the kitchen.


Is it possible that other Miele appliances are using your regularity?

I’m a bigger fan of the electric heater with the elegant integrated vapor processing. The induction is a straightforward price and a quick price, but it was likely that the perfect solution could take care of this problem if man were bold. If there is a fan of Miele products, then there is a great design in the kitchen, and it is perfect in the kitchen. If the temperature is natural, it is good that the temperature is optimal, if the device has a good temperature. If there is a ranking that must be, where my Top 3, Dampfbackofen, Induktionskochfeld and Weinkühler in that reihenfolge.

Der Induktionskochfeld von Miele comes into play.

Der Induktionskochfeld von Miele comes into play.


Who do you see modern kitchen technology in and how is it affecting your work in the kitchen?

Die Technik brought Unterstützung into the Küche. Gerade for the person, who is not so good and has little experience, is that the focus is a little, and provides inspiration for new credits or optimizes the nightly turnaround with the Geräten. For my work in the kitchen and when there is time for the operation of the backlight, temperature and timer are the most important functions.

Welches Gerichtreiten Sie in Ihrer privateen Küche am verymeisten zu?

As a passionate Radfahrer stehen bei mir Nudeln in all Variations ganz oben on the Speiseplan.

What is your largest home loan?

Meistens koche ich mit dem, was nor in Kühlschrank ist. So entstehen die verschiedsten Eigen Kreationen. A few people went bald in my life. Kochbuch «Nenad at Home» is found. Zum Beispiel ein Rezept für gluten-free Nudelgericht.

Click here on the Miele food processor.

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