
Historisches Gebäude: Londoner Feuerwehr: Fire at Somerset House

Historisches Gebäude: Londoner Feuerwehr: Fire at Somerset House

Historical history
Londoner Feuerwehr: Fire at Somerset House

The historic Somerset House is located in London and has enjoyed a cultural centre. Photo: Michel

The historic Somerset House is located in London and has enjoyed a cultural centre. Photo

© Michelle Birkby/PA Wire/dpa

The London Fire Brigade fights a brand in the historic Somerset House. The Rescue Service goes through the man with a strong Rauchs, which is a cultural center in the Innenstadt with its girls.

The Londoner Feuerwehr is a mark in the historic heritage of Somerset House. Etwa 15 Feuerwehrwagen en cattle 100 Feuerwehrleute seien im Einsatz, teilte die Feuerwehr mit. You can fight against flames in a Teil des Daches. “Die Ursache für das Feuer ist bisher nicht bekannt.”

Das Somerset House is located in London and is a cultural centre. It is located in the Innenstadt an der Themse. Unterbracht since there under other Ausstellungsräume.

The Fernsehsender Sky News broadcasts a video from social media, while the war is seized, while the war is broadcast. As soon as the BBC reports, smoke clouds appear from more streets that are visible.

By the Rettungsdienst of people the way to the strong Rauchentwicklung is becoming increasingly larger by the employees. Contact Fenster and Türen, write the London Ambulance Service on platform X.
