
Die Wochenvorschau für Berlin: Bärenstark gegen braune Gesellen

Die Wochenvorschau für Berlin: Bärenstark gegen braune Gesellen

Neo-Nazis and anti-faschists meet in Marzahn aufeinander, Sophie Passmann’s “Pick me Girls” a premiere and der zoo said the Panda-Jungtiere.

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The campferische Herbstdemo can be found in Samstag in Marzahn statt Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

New Woche, new Glück – wobei man nicht wirklich von Glück reason kann. Berlin erwartet am Samstag unerwünschten Besuch von Neonazis aus Sachsen. Recognize that you can receive a number of other guests in the “Division 88” shirts and their strongly decorated seitenscheitel. A ihrem Hass auf alles Linke, Queere, Vielfältige in Berlin.

Denn am selben Tag wollen feminist and anti-faschist organizations under the motto “Patriarchat sterben lassen” in Marzahn auf die Straße gehen. The “FAntifa Berlin” started with a herbal demonstration against the patriarchal structure and the fortschreitendenfaschismus. There is nothing wrong, but in the Bezirk Marzahn-Hellersdorf the Antifaschist is: there have been more cases of Neo-Nazi robberies; queer people continued to grow taller.

The demo is also a light term for all, the end of the reforms and struggles of the patriarchs. Also rider of the Couch and away with the Pumpkin Spiced Latte. We confirmed that it was possible to travel East-East-East-Berlin AA-Antifa bleibt, sollte am 19. Oktober nach Marzahn. Meeting point is the S-Bahnhof Raoul-Wallenberg-Straße at 16 Uhr.

The authoritarian Sophie Passmann wrote with the patriarchy: Ihr Buch “Pick me Girls”, adapted for the theater, during the Donnerstag premiere at the Berliner Ensemble. Passmann works in his bilingual personal work, which version of his own existing existence, where patriarchy does not have to do with reality. If they reflect the human gaze and women’s lives, while the patriarchal structure was prägt and subtle hints were given, where women often found themselves outside the boundaries and re-abseting themselves, a gesellschaftliche action they would become.

Before feminist and active women in the theater and the street of the patriarchy bring autumn wool, it is in the Berliner Zoo that a German undertaking begins: the two Panda youngsters have gone to the extreme, the Berliner Publikum is presented. From now on a soll jeden Tag for a show – from 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm – one of the two Babies in “Panda Garden” to see. Other jewels are busy with Mutter Meng Meng hinting at the Kulissen schmusen. By Sophie Passmann who recognized a Panda as “Pick me Girl”, it may be so small when it falls in the fall.