
Klingbeil warned FDP about Blockade des Rentenpakets Von dpa-AFX

Klingbeil warned FDP about Blockade des Rentenpakets Von dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – SPD chief Lars Klingbeil warned the FDP of a blockade of the rental packages in the Bundestag. When Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) was “with high motivation”, the Cabinet concluded an interest package through the Klingbeil of the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). There is concrete: “Das Versprechen, für stable Renten zu ensuren, war for the SPD one of the entscheidenden Säulen, in the Bundesregierung zu gehen.”

The Bundestag started the long-term interest rate package at the end of September. In essence, the rent level is kept stable, so interest payments will stop renting. Ways of the alternative Bevölkerung will die after time. The coalition will make a higher forecast on the stock market and a capital stock on the Aktienmarkt-bilden.

In particular, the Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer of the FDP Faction, Johannes Vogel, has done all the business on the underspending, the package with the blessings of young children. A start is made on the capital market coverage of the company, such as the costs of converting costs.

Klingbeil: FDP muss parteiinternen Machtkämpfe klären

The FDP must be part of a power organization that makes its own name, says Klingbeil with Blick op de Querelen at a Koalitions partner. There is a lot: “Millions of tenants and tenants were left without money in the Tasche.”

An end to the Ampel-Koalition thinking is not that the rental package will never be used. There may be “no royal frost, in this lease not in the herbal version”, such as Klingbeil.