
Wichtige Woche für den Dax: Message startet, Zins-Entscheidung steht an

Wichtige Woche für den Dax: Message startet, Zins-Entscheidung steht an

On the Aktienmarkt you can start with the beginning of the message about the beginning of the message on the rising price. Der Dax that itself will be followed by the 19,000-Punkte-Marke. On the way to the 20,000er marketing, the price can rise to $ 19,500 until the end of September.

The Freitag war der deutsche Leitindex is 0.85 Prozent auf 19,373.83 Punkte gestiegen. A Wochensicht bedeutete dies a Plus von 1.3 Prozent.

Leitzinsentscheidung der EZB am Donnerstag

Neben der Berichtssaison steht am Donnerstag de Geldpolitik met de Leitzinsentscheidung der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) in Fokus. DZ Bank uses a different sentence to calculate a value of 0.25 percent. The Währungshüter generally lasts, in the welchem ​​tempo of the kommenden Senkungen ergolgen, schrieb Analystin Sonja Marten in ihrem Ausblick.

The total inflation rate that has sunk into the annual figures of 1.8 percent in September is below the Soul Marke of the EZB, although the inflation rate within the economic sector remains unchanged. The keynote is formed by a strong reinforcement of the sense-oriented sentence exercises.

Tendenziell started money political Lockerungen on the Aktienmarkt. By attracting an attraction, other anlage classes will be sense absent. Gute Quartalszahlen von Unternehmen was for increasing Aktienkurse-allerdings auch inheritorderlich.

US-Banks empty Quartalszahlen vor

Posting season started in the US. You can rely on one of the two dominant themes Money Politics and analyst Jochen Stanzl from Broker CMC Markets. The Hoffnung in a positive way is viewed by the grim nach a revised Erwartungen-gestiegen.

After the US banking sector JPMorgan and Wells Fargo received notices in their Büchner offnets, there were new financial users: Goldman Sachs, the Citigroup that joined the Bank of America, with the American Bancorp and Morgan Stanley.

Here it is the best way to do labor with Quartalszahlen in the Donnerstag in Blick. In the Netherlands, the Mittwoch Geschäftszahlen come from ASML – as Ausrüster from Halbleiterunternehmen a Gradmesser for the Branche.

Backwind for the Dax from Fernost

At Commerzbank it is important for the Dax perspectives that the US government avoided a recession and saw the Chinese economic crisis that has lasted a lifetime. The German Leitindex bekomme der time Rückenwind, most Investors hofften, that most Dax-Unternehmen who were the Export Market China, was still more important.

If the new Wirtschaftsdaten of the new time last before the ZEW-kontakteurwartungen for Deutschland deem, the service will become more open. Interest in the American economy, while the American economy is used for the American economy with a consumer wicklung.