
Leutkirch: Beliebter Gastronom eröffnet Sushi-Restaurant

Leutkirch: Beliebter Gastronom eröffnet Sushi-Restaurant

Nachste GUTE NACHRICHT Für die Leutkircher Innenstadt: Nachdem Pia Hillebrand First for Wenten Tagen IHR Gastronomie-Konzept for Das Ehemal Café Albrecht An der Marktstraße Vorgestellt Hat, Päsentiert Jetzt Auch, Seum-Restoration, Sejber-Restant, Sejber-Restant, Sejier-RestaF? it is now three feet away.

At the home with the address “Marktstraße 19”, in the future the Haiti-Schulprojekt Räume will be occupied by the 34-year names of a Sushi-Restaurant. “Gastronomy lies with its own resources,” Pattana Naksut explains in the conversation with the editors. If it takes longer to sell than the plan, there may be a trade-off.

The Gebäude an der Marktstraße stand will be the only Monate long leather.

The Gebäude an der Marktstraße stand will be the only Monate long leather. (Photo: Simon Nill)

Anyone who creates a Hillebrand factory in the family room in a new room – a restaurant and bar – with a ganztage concept, has a warm kitchen restored. Vormittags were zunächst Frühstück angeboten. A smaller map is available for the Mittagszeit.

Great Nachfrage nach Sushi

The full program is for the Abend-planted – including barbecue with drinks and cocktails. Sushi soll dabei nicht die only Spezialit t bleiben. “Asia-Food-Fusion” by Pattana Naksut das Konzept. Unter Fusionsküche is generally the combination of thoughtless Esskulturen and Kochkünste wits. A man who offers Abenden a lot of fun with theme parties and live music.

“I am Sai-Thai bieten wir Sushi bislang am Samstag und Sonntag an,” says Adrian Sohler. Der Cousin von Inhaber Naksut functions dort en auch in new Lokal as Restaurantleiter. The Nachfrage danach sei and both Tagen groß. If you want to leave the gastronomes, go to the new location of the fall. Schließlich sei Sushi is becoming more and more popular and the most credible.

Wir geben Gas.

Pattana Naksut

If you own a property, this is the purchase of a real estate company „Wir vier von hier“, to which most large amounts can be added. Pattana Naksut right damit, dass die Eröffnung Anfang 2025 stattfinden kann. “Wir geben Gas”, it says. Once the work is over, neither the gastronomy nor the Betrieb will start for the Weihnachten.

Das Sushi-Restaurant will then bear the name “Luvia”. Dieser setzt sich aus Teilen der Vornamen seiner both Children’s sisters. For both local von Naksut it is possible to geben a Mitarbeiterstamm van beef 35 Angestellten. These people could come to our home in both restaurants for dinner. An Ausnahme picture of the delicious Sushi-Chefkoch, the residents of Thailand will never benefit from it again.

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If Pia Hillebrand has the power over the 34 years of his life, he can somehow use the Baustelle roads der Verlegung von Fernwärme-Leitungen with one click. The Stadt became a lost find, while the Geschäfte turned out to be erreichbar, it is Naksut sicher.