
270 Guests evakuiert: Hotel fire in Abano Terme sorts out for night-time Großeinsatz

270 Guests evakuiert: Hotel fire in Abano Terme sorts out for night-time Großeinsatz

A hotel brand in the northern city of Abano Terme in the Italian province of Padua provides a Feuerwehreinsatz. 270 guests must be evacuated, undergo a Rauchgasvergiftung for 40 days.

Padua – In a hotel in the northern city of Abano Terme with more than 270 guests, the night was a nightmare. Etwa 40 People must have received medical attention from the Rettungskräften – they gave all the hats a dinner and can then take them to the Krankenhaus, who the Nachrichtenagent Ansa reported. Das Hotel has been completely evacuated. The Feuerwehr could not loosen the Fire nor in the Night.

Ersten Erkenntnissen van de Feuerwehr die Feuer in een Technikraum in de Zweiten Stock des Hotels aus. In the Kurzer Zeit the rauchentwicklung becomes clearer. The raw material itself is combined together. A family with a small child could appeal to the future in his room at the Stockwerk party, so that he could no longer enjoy his room.

📽️Video | Hotel brand in Italian Kurort

Abano Terme was more than the Kilometer from Padua and is a credible Kurort. The 20,000-resident town has a long tradition as a health spa. Abano Terme is located in the Euganean Hügel area, the roads in the Thermal Wasserquellen are no longer possible. With the heißen Heilquellen and the Mineral Schlamm volcanic Ursprungs gehört zu the great Kurzentren Europas and zahlreiche Urlauber an. (APA)

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