
Alter, Geschlecht, Job: Wen gewählt hat

Alter, Geschlecht, Job: Wen gewählt hat

After the land tags were analyzed, the data was analyzed while the Vorarlberger’s past political interests were deliberated. The Institut Foresight has conducted a study of ORF and APA with a Wahlbe fragmentation, with its Wahlverhalten analyzes longer.

If you use the Wahl-verhalten, you change the Wählenden. How now the pensioners and pensioners are, how the analysis of the ÖVP is the absolute value. Everyone sees it differently at the Erwerbstätigen aus. While the FPÖ has become the strongest Kraft, it belongs to the alternative class of under 35 years. Letzteren ranks the FPÖ at 35 Prozent. It is not that the Prozentpunkte is more like the ÖVP.

Christoph Hofinger from the Foresight-Institut said that the Wahlverhalten have continued from generation to generation in early years and still for years to come. The analysis of the Wahlverhaltens nach Alter zeit auch, that sich young Menschen nicht in überdurchschnittlichem Maß zu grünen Positionen hingzogen fühlen.

Climate protection from Themen überholt

Insgesamt hatte der Klimaschutz as Thema in Wahlkampf nicht mehr the Stellenwert in nor 2019, wed er een zentrales Wahlkampfthema war – was de Grünen damals een in Rekordgebnis protected. After years of dealing with the coronavirus, Ukraine has regained energy and management and is now different.

Environment and climbing protection believes that they are no longer on the Wahlkampf list, but on the Platz they lie ex aequo Zuwanderung and Teuerung. The FPÖ has played this theme into the hands – even if they are young.

NEOS in women and men is fragmented

Was the Wahlverhalten nach Geschlecht, no matter how it is with others Wahlen said, that the man has a Tendenz zur FPÖ, where the Frauen and the ÖVP wählen. While the political scientist Peter Filzmaier has taken another example, the statistical data of women is being changed – and so more of the alternative group, which also wählt the ÖVP. If the woman turns green like the man, the man daggen or SPÖ. At NEOS, both Geschlechter die Waage are suitable.

Labor Lossigkeit als Faktor

Take care of your workload in your work environment, and you will be satisfied with your work environment with little effort. In the situation with higher work loss (über fünf Prozent), the SPÖ vergleichsweise is fragmented.

ÖVP-Wählende: Moreheitlich rein Vorarlberger Entscheidung

The next fragment would be: “Is the separation of these parties for an ausschließlich Vorarlberger separation or is the Bundespolitik concerned with one?”. Exclusively in the answers: Von de ÖVP-Wählerinnen und -Wählern bezogen die meisten – 63 Prozent – ​​​​ihre Entscheidung ausschließlich auf Vorarlberg, 33 Prozent bezogen de Bundespolitik mit ein.

The management of the facilities is the responsibility of the FPÖ in the autumn. Deren Wählerinnen and Wähler have now started a rule over the Vorarlberg war in 29 days, 67 Prozent is against the Bundespolitik with a.

Concerned with the joint Vorarlberger Wählerschaft that looks at the analysis, the halving of the Federal Police takes place in the separation mine.