
Leipziger Autorin Martina Hefter: The 5 best Bücher

Leipziger Autorin Martina Hefter: The 5 best Bücher

October 14, 2024, 7:08 PM

Martina Hefter from Leipzig has won the German Buchpreis 2024. She was born in 1965 in Pfronten im Allgäu. The greatest interest in literature, achievements and connections are both achieved. She studied at the German Literaturinstitut Leipzig and entered the Messestadt as a free artist in 1997. Hefter veröffentlichte Romane, Gedichtbände as well as Hör- and performative Stücke. There are other people with the Lyrikpreis Meran and the Münchner Lyrikpreis ausgezeichnet. And now with the German Book Prize. Neben ihrem aktuellen Roman “Hey good morning, who is here?” empfehlen wir Ihnen auch diese Bücher:

von Jörg Schieke, MDR KULTUR

“Junge Hunde”: more elegant debutant about the Ankommen in Nachwende-Leipzig

Bereits with his debut man “Junge Hunde” from 2001 with Martina Hefter with her detail, her sin for Rhythmus and a set bruche. It is a good venture to use one way or another: a young woman, student, is least in a taxi through the new city, an art organization and a dose of beruhigung going into the new world. When the city does not give more energy, it is about the taxi driver Vinz, who is busy in his short time.

A Novel der Gesten en Andeutungen, der nachlässige Eleganz und der Ernsthaftigkeit. “Junge Hunde” takes place in Nachwende-Leipzig, but still a nachwenderoman zu machen!

Angaben zum BuchRoman: “Junge Hunde”
Alexander Fest Verlag, 2001
ISBN: 978-3-8286-0166-6
135 pages
14.89 euros

“Nach den Diskotheken”: Lyrik, die Nacht durchtanzt

Martina Hefter’s first poem collection – in the title with a wort, das schon 14 Jahre später (heute) gar nicht mehr in Gebrauch ist: the “Diskotheken”. Zwar focuses on the poetic Blick der Autorin on the erotic Signale Swiss Mensch en Mensch, the one Diskothek (so who has the “Club”) sees through – more and more fascinates the Zwiesprache des Körpers with der Muziek, der Rausch und de Erschöpfung , das Sich-gehen-lassen und Wieder-zu-sich-kommen von Tänzerin oder Tänzer. “Die Nacht durchtanzen” – die Allerwelts-Slogan is reflected in diesen Gedichten zu Sprache und Lyrik.

Angaben zum BuchPoem band: “Nach den Diskotheken”
Cookbooks Verlag, 2010
ISBN: 978-3-9374-4541-0
80 pages

“They were also beautiful”: Lyrical Annäherung an das Thema Pflegeheim

Notwithstanding the word “Poem” is written in the book as a subtitle, without the gleichberechtigt of the word “Sprechtexte”. A Hinweis der Autorin op de Erweiterung ihrer Vorstellung vom Gedicht: Een zentrales Theme here, the Besuche bei der Schwiegermutter of Ich-Figur, were Gedicht, erzählende and essayistic Text combined. Martina Hefter diesen Text is a good basis for a new stage performance.

The Text, who is in that book, brings an interesting and literary origin of the art and weise one of the great social themes of the gegenwart zur sprache: Who is the Border Swiss Aufopferung and Hilfsbereitschaft gegenüber den (alten, pflegebedürftigen) Angehörigen und dem Recht, diese Hilfe, which still costs time and energy, following their own rules? Zugleich gelingen Martina Hefter large snapshots from the Alltag in the German Pflegeheim, of a Leben zwischen dem Fernsehraum and of the Einsamkeit derer, which the next of the Todes spüren.

Angaben zum BuchPoem/Sprechtexte: “It’s a beautiful thing”
Cookbooks Verlag, 2018
ISBN: 978-3-9374-4590-8
112 Pages
19.90 Euros

“In die Wälder gehen, Holz für ein Bett klauen”: Radikal persönlicher Gedichtband über das Verhältnis Mensch und Natur

Auch in diesem Gedichtband moves sich Martina Hefter between the single Gattungen, which heißen Gedicht, Essay, more dramatic Text. Simply deleting a fragment after the new purchase cost is a text that contains new aspects, thus presenting a representation of the representation of human nature. It seems that the Verhältnis zum Wildtier im Hof ​​​​ebenso is who has been given the label of the Essensresten; It seems that the climbing refugees in Europe are starting a new life. The authorization is a small collection of stories and associations in ancient mythology – and it is the best experience for the world, for rhythms or desire together.

The poetic monologue “LinnMeier (†2019)” has given all of the above an additional biographical monologue, in the form of all information about the magersucht as one of the Gesellschaft and Schönheitsideal provozierte Selbst-Demütigung offenbart wird.

Angaben zum BuchPoem: “In die Wälder gehen, Holz für ein Bett klauen”
Cookbooks Verlag, 2021
ISBN: 978-3-9483-3610-3
96 pages

“Hey good morning, who is here?”: Tiefgehender Roman about Bedürfnisse and Sehnsüchte im Leben

16 years after death Roman explains Martina Hefter with “Hey good morning, who is the direction?” There is a novel that can be discussed enthusiastically. Using one’s own biographical data, it is a matter of writing as a writer, a man concerned with authorizing the view of life, a nice woman and art. Which – based on my understanding, based on my work as a writer and performer – an art platonic relationship begins with a Nigerian Love Scammer, with a man too, a false identification of the European women-autbaut, which is a good thing for him. zu financial affairs Zuwendungen zu move.

That I-erzählerin knows these mechanisms, but it started as its own game and experiment, it was bare with its own insight and integrity. De Geschichte eener Freundschaft und Begegnung, in de Zugleich Muster postkolonialer Verhältnisse eingewoben sind.

With my action Roman “Hey good morning, who is here?” how Martina won the prize and the German Buchpreis 2024.
Image: Klett-Cotta

Martina Hefter, who has implemented her analysis strategy, can now look at art and film images on 224 pages of a Panorama Deutscher Gegenwart, Reflexionen über die Beziehungen von Jungen en Alten, Kranken und Gesunden, erster und dritter Welt, entfalten. A bigger Wurf, which has a fresher bucher, at Martina lifts her Ausgangspunkt one of the following Buhnenarbeit-wird.

Angaben zum BuchRoman: “Hey good morning, who is here?”
Klett-Cotta Verlag, 2024
ISBN: 978-3-6089-8826-0
224 pages
22 Euros

Editorial Editing: Rebekka Adler

More literature collections

This theme in the program:MDR KULTUR – Das Radio | Kulturachrichten | 15. October 2024 | 06:30 Uhr