
Life: Wenn der Wind wütet

Life: Wenn der Wind wütet

Der Südwesten Namibia. Unendliche Facts. Nothing like Sand. It is an impressive scene. Nur: Where does the water sports film “Born to Windsurf” start here, in what state? If you have a Dune plötzlich a bunter Zipfel durchs Bild schießt and kaal darauf ein E and an 11 you would like to recognize, erase those Experts Bescheid: the Segelnummer of Björn Dunkerbeck, with 42 Weltmeistertitlen erolgreichsten Windsurfer all Zeiten. If you want to get even more excited about surfing, then so be it.

If there is any splash that you see, the fährt in another benzüber is a shotter piste, parks in front of the schäumenden Atlantik, rises and stands in the wind, there is an absurdly violent explosion here. Gleich with Dunkerbeck wieder aufs Brett steigen and the following Weltrekcord birds: then in Speed-Surfing, so who quickly jedes year here in Lüderitz and the Diamantenküste. “Speed ​​​​Challenge” is the subject of the law. Anfang November is so white. Das Ziel: the 100 Stundenkilometer zu knacken. At the Surfbrett. There is no Herausforderung in Irrsinn.

“Born To Windsurf”, a pathetic film title is possible in Fall von Dunkerbeck. I turned 55 in the summer, and I think I can see everything in my life as windsurfing. “I’m snowboarding in the winter or mountain biking in the summer. When we couldn’t surf anymore, it wasn’t fun to be.”

In the late 1970s, Eltern – Mutter Dänin, Vater Niederländer – a hotel on Gran Canaria and a surfing school on Inglés beach. When Björn starts with Brett first, he starts a wonderful friendship. There would never be such a good experience with Robby Naish, the other surfing legend, who would later fall. 42:24 for Big Björn comes to Sachen WM-Titel. Zwischen 1988 und 1999 were practically jeden Wettkampf, at 214 Weltcup-Starts insgesamt gelangen ihm 163 Siege – een Jahrhundertsportler. The Konkurrenz atmete auf, since 2014, end zurücktrat, with 45. Now you will be there for the following Disziplin zuwenden: the Speedsurfing. It is a time of welfare orders, of course it is not long ago in the end.

I spent a few years in the Rotlauf-flach, a fiese Entzündung, at the highest Hautschicht of the Schienbeins abfiel. Zwei Wochen is located in Klagenfurt in the Krankenhaus, in front of the Hölle. “Four, happy days, two weeks of antibiotics: I don’t want anyone!”, said one in Video-Telefonat, “but I am grateful, because I am not a passion artist in Namibia, but I am happy to be alone.”

It was only a few years ago that Dunkerbeck was the Speed-Wettbewerbe and that so uncontrolled Ort Lüderitz. There is a kilometer-long channel inherent to the record dispersal, the wind, which protects the land in nature. Im Film fasten een Teilnehmer das Unterfangen ganz gut zuammen: „If I saw the first Mal sah, I thought: Die sind ja alle verrückt!“ Mittendrin, in diesem Jahr endlich wieder: Vater und Sohn Dunkerbeck, there is one 55, of the other 20 Björn Dunkerbeck said: “Liam is not dabei, um mitzusurfing. There will be the best signal. In the future you can become a Weltmeister!”

Is it possible that the Fußstapfen will become bigger than the self-proclaimed Dauerchampions? How would Liam be a fag if they both bought Schwestern another sports art? Okay, maybe no rhythmic sports gymnastics with Alva and Martina Dunkerbeck, both Spanish girls, that makes sense. “Martina is soul-oriented, she will be who the daddy is in the middle of the podium places,” said Dunkerbeck Senior, “Liam would become bigger and bigger. Sein Talent is great, if you come. And if my father had a beige hat, then I can say yes. I always say: I’m a windsurfer, I’m always a windsurfer.” I’m always a windsurfer.” I’m always happy with the junior surfer, but I’m also happy with the senior on the beach: “I’m happy with it… “

Surfing with conscious awareness

Liam Dunkerbeck Morales. From the age of 15 there is U17-Weltmeister. It’s a surfing knock that you can see if you use video telephony in Fuerteventura. If you see that you are not in the car when the neoprene is on, then it is a matter of washing with water, such as training. There is something like Aquarius: Schwerpunkt windsurfing, as well as Stand-up Paddling, Wellenreiten, Wing-foil, Kiting or Big Wave Surfing. “Auf Reisen nehme ich immer alle meine Spielsachen mit“, is with my Surferlachen. The young Mann was responsible for the Junior and Professional Tour: Peru, Maui, Denmark, Chile, Kreuz and Quer. “I’m allowed to live,” he says. “I have often had friends in the Weltcup, with the fact that my last Karriere trip was made. Clear machst du mal Fehler, aber du watchst als Persönlichkeit.”

As a teenager you can enjoy Speed-Abenteuer in Namibia. “Pa has not been pushed”, it is clear that there is something to be said about the Speed-Wetbewerbe vorbereitet, immer mal Videos aus der Wüste geschickt en von den Fahrern, die mit ihren Helmen und Padsterten Anzügen yes aussehen, as if they were in see the Krieg. I would say: ‘Daddy, I will always be there!’

In November 2021, the wars are so small that the seniors can master the magical Mark and the schaffte tatsächlich two with a peak wind force of 103.67 mind-boggling kilometers. “Noch ein Meilenstein!” said Dunkerbeck. „The wind was a constant blow, and I hate my new Hüfte and schon fast two years drin.“ The OP war followed a robbery insanity. The power over the world is that the surf function works best – and that is the ending that becomes more natural.

While Liam was on the Lüderitz Canal for three years, our path to a huge camp weight of the barrels, that is the speed surfing in the German air. Liam is from the youth, has surfed the channel, and also sets a U18 Weltrekord: 80 km/h Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit, Top-Speed ​​​​knapp 85 km/h. “There is a war going on,” reports from de Vater, “and the leader has never been a Papi-Coach, who has given his opinion: These beds can be used here with one hand while surfing. If it’s good, you have to look at it, that’s the way it is done. That was done with a meal so it fell faster! Then when you fly, the power isn’t that bad.” And Liam flogs. Stürzte bei Tempo 80 plus, überschlug itself and bewusstlos im flchen Wasser lie. If you have a herbei, you should pay attention to the road, wieder auf. Im Videocall erzählt there: „I think it is a night, that the video of a crash is the best, if it is a child, it is that it goes so well. If you want to enjoy this Moment of passion. It is what it is: an extreme sport, risky.” Björn Dunkerbeck responded to the horror crash of Sohne’s maximum lapidar: “Eine Schramme in der Lernkurve.”

Aber Liam can no longer schnell, there can be a kunstvoll. In July I am busy with the Heimspiel in Gran Canaria at the U21-Wave-Wettbewerb. Seit 2022 organizer Björn Dunkerbeck den Weltcup in Pozo. “So who flees here, man in the Wellen never comes into contact with the planets,” he says. „15 meters since clean water.“ Auf Dauer hält das keine Hüfte aus.

Therefore, it is advisable to visit the Jungen. Liam is not the only one, the tradition is strong. So Daniel is first, but he won’t come out of the wash. “A multi-talent,” says Dad, “it is clear that we can still surf? I will continue with the U13 training for a few more years, and I will train a lot!”