
Warum is glaubt, der Direction für Alpine zu sein

Warum is glaubt, der Direction für Alpine zu sein

( – Oliver Oakes is the boss of his crew chief in Formel 1, but when he got the chance to beat his Alpine team, he was close. Jahren could have been even more abgerutscht.

Titel-Bild zur News: Oliver Oakes

Oliver Oakes hat was designed at Alpine by Bruno Famin


Jetzt, after a turbulent Phase, is the man who combines with Renault CEO Luca de Meo and Berater Flavio Briatore who will provide more stability.

Oakes comes from one of the Rennsport-geprägten Family. His father Billy war Gründer and Besitzer of the former Formel-Renault and British Formel-3-Teams Eurotek Motorsport. Four years started with the Kartfahren and the world Kart-Weltmeister 2005. There is one of the Red Bull Junior team together with Sebastian Vettel, Brendon Hartley, Jaime Alguersuari and Sabastien Buemi.

“Manchmal war I was fast, aber letztlich nicht schnell genug. Deshalb bin ich auf dieser Seite des Zauns!”, he said in the conversation with Motorsport.comSchwesterseite van, op de Frage nach seiner Fahrerkarriere.

“I had my moment. (Red-Bull-Berater) Helmut Marko war seemed brutal and meinte, I had my potential in the Autos nicht umgesetzt. Ich Denke, er hat Teilweise Recht. In some Autos habe ich das geschafft, in others nicht .”

“I don’t really care, but I don’t know how to clap. I’m happy with my thoughts and a little self-reflection! Wenn man is open-minded, he’s a young man. People can only make things differently. It’s always different. Who is all in racing? there is no final solution.”

“Aber I feel like I am happy, because I dared to experience all that I have experienced, for Kartfahren bis in zur Formel 3, and I am also able to experience other experiences.”

Oakes brought inheritance mit

Oakes sees here the Hitech-GP team, which has grown in 2015 and the Mittlerweile in the various competition matches, under Formel 2 and Formel 3, erolgreich antritt. Deshalb says Oakes can use his experience as a chef and crew chief at Alpine effectively.

“If I was my friend, I was in my job during my half-term, I was happy, it was a happy ending,” it says. “The whole thing was orderly, and I had a happy life, because my mother was happy with my school. Because my assembly was always holly if I had learned what to do, because I was so happy, I was sure that I would first be able to come to a race.”

“And then I have – from my own perspective – my own internal environment and growth, these sechs Teams, 100 Leute … If I have everything in my mind, I can do it with great pleasure, that is everything. I think it is a war is etwas other Ausbildung. Ich hatte eine Rennsportausbildung.”

Fotostrecke: The active team leaders of Formel 1

If Mercedes’ James Vowles weaseles at Williams, it is for schlagsailers, if it is shocking that the team uses an Excel table to sell more than 20,000 cars, the “impossible maintenance” war.

Oakes says it is no longer possible to make money in his first Monaten at Enstone, but it is a small investment on campus investments.

“I can see a few facets in the last years. Here, things have obviously changed. Otmar (Szafnauer; Anm. dR) war here, there is war in the Netherlands, and if we are able to cope with it, I can experience it in this way,” it says. Team chief.

“I have a great understanding of the things that come with it, we have a man who knows what he is doing, who he comes with. And he who knows what he is doing first, wenn he himself is in the details. Man must make himself an image of the things.”

“Aber seit ich bin here, Wurde fell through to speak, was über die Jahre hindweg wurde gemacht en welchen Gründen. Im Moment blicke ich nach vorne. Wir müssen vorankommen, de Vergangenheit gehört der Vergangenheit an.”

“In a Bereiche von Enstone a grim investment was made, and it is a thing that is neither such a shame, whoever they were – do not agree with the Flavios Zeiten, but it is likely that something happened and many things happened, that have never been said. Aber It’s not like it’s like that with Vowles and Williams,” Oakes concreted.

Times of the Umbruchs für Alpine

The Brit was born at Alpine Bruno Famin, now that it has been a year into the American war, Szafnauer has now become a kurze-zeit before he has moved a dortlas.

Seine Ankunft fell in a turbulent time, in the Renault seine Formel-1-Motorproduktion einstellt, was Unstimmigkeiten in der Renault-Fabrik in Viry-Chatillon verursacht hat. When Oakes came together with Briatore with a character, the team came away with a successful timeline, as they won the 2005 and 2006 Design and Construction Title.

Briatore & Schumacher: Coming to Reunion?

Flavio Briatore, Schumacher and Benetton: The war was over, wasn’t it? Frederik Hackbarth worked together with our experts Marc Surer nach. Weitere Formel-1-Videos

Briatores have shifted the pressure on Oakes, but for him it is an “angeehmer” pressure. “Is gibt Druck, yes, denn ich mag es nicht, am Ende der Startaufstellung zu stehen. Der Job brought Druck with sich, aber ich Denke, es ist else…”

“A sports psychologist said that the pressure was a bit, it was the wash that was pressed in the autumn. I see the leadership of a Formel-1-Teams as a great responsibility. He is a great person, who likes to surprise so much, that he the Mannschaft führst and the right Entscheidungen triffst”, white Oakes.

“Das is een Wort, dat is het kostenlos van würde – Verantwortung, und die ist Wettbewerb. Man will be de best. If he is pragmatic en mir wusst, de Formel 1 complex will be a large part of the teams, That gut it would take a long time, but it would provide more stability.”

“Aber I bin davon Ziemlich begeistert. Denn das Tolle an der Formel 1 ist, dass man standdig wird, and if man a good job power, sieht das jeder. Ich nehme die Druck auf mich, weil ich gut sein will”, hält der Brite fest.

Auch Briatore see a Grund, where is the way to go with it: “I am aware of the project. There is power, we want to bring the team to zurück and the Spitze, and you know it, but that is Enstone’s message Baby is.”

“We all have a great life in life, and we are not happy with it, but we are happy with it. We are happy, we are happy with it, and we are happy with it. After all, we have an inheritance and a commitment – There is a lot of follow-up, but in the form 1 or with a restaurant menu.”

Dynamic Spitzentrio zum Erfolg?

“I have seen the following Formel-1-Teams and in most cases one of the sharpest Führungen is left behind. It is possible that four people with the same vision have a common vision, and that this is a more normal individuality and the Führungsspitze. If I was no longer in touch with Flavio and Luca, the man in the Leidenschaft could do this for the project.’

Oakes was allowed to print his own stamp on the Alpine jedoch. Insider looks at the Offenheit and Bereitschaft zur Kommunikation, and schon jetzt ist to spüren, if the Stimmung im Team has an end to the right direction.

“It is not possible to change the style,” it says. “It’s interesting, but a real man can see a real time, in the Unternehmer Teams gründeten and leiteten. Dann gab es a Zeit, in der ehemalige Ingenieure Teamchefs wurden. Aber jeder tut das, was am besten zu seinem Background over.”

“I am a behaupte nicht, der beste Ingenieur, Geschäftsmann or der Fahrer zu sein. It is a challenge, that will now do its job, if the best Leute haben and a good culture, is one of the grounds. That is one thing, that with the right machine, and that Enstone gets rid of his heart.”